You had taken care of sick people before when your parents were gone and you had to take care of your siblings. You had seen fever symptoms and knew how to deal with them. Finally, it was your turn to save Yoongi. You wrapped your arms around his torso to help him sit up. You felt the sweat that had soaked through his shirt and it sort of grossed you out but you shook your disgust away, knowing it was more important to help him. 

He was heavy and you struggled with his slumped over form. His heavy breath hit your ear and his skin felt super hot. 

"Ok..." you spoke, pausing to blush as you fingered the hem of Yoongi's shirt between your fingers. You needed to get it off of him... but feared for your own life speculating when he would wake up. His slow breathing continued to resonate next to your ear as you froze your actions. He needed you, and you needed to get over this. You kept telling yourself that he hated you and did your best to only keep in mind how rude he had been to you the day before as you slowly lifted his shirt up. You found yourself closing your eyes as your face burned almost as much as the temperature of his skin. 

He was limp as you continued to lift it up and over his shoulders, your fingers accidentally brushing against his skin and making you jump a bit. You struggled to get the T-shirt over his head and opened your eyes as to better see what you were doing. It was really a mistake on your part as you released a whimper. 

Dang it.

You slapped yourself in the face after leaning his shaking form back onto his bed. He moaned slightly in pain which didn't help AT ALL. After issuing another slap, you quickly thought of what to do next. You needed to cool him down. You quickly grabbed one of the T-shirts from your suitcase and, after dumping everything out, took your whole suitcase to the river. You dumped in under the rushing water and hauled it upwards before wheeling it back to Yoongi's form. You dipped your shirt in the water stored in the suitcase and gently rubbed it against his hot forehead. His whole body was burning, so you continued to use your shirt to wipe him down. Your face was on fire, but you knew it was necessary. 

You closed your eyes as you gently placed your soaked shirt over his chest and brought it down to his abdomen. 

"Please don't kill me when you wake up Yoongi," You begged, biting your lower lip hard before you finished so you could fan your heated cheeks. But your job wasn't done. You placed the wet shirt over his hot forehead once more, but this time you jumped when suddenly Yoongi weakly reached for your hand. You looked at him in surprise as his clammy hand wrapped itself with yours. You peered at his face but he still seemed to be asleep and his eyes were still closed.

You blushed as his trembling fingers interlocked with yours. He muttered something that you couldn't make out so you leaned closer to him.

"Yoongi?" You asked, your voice shaking in worry.

"(Y/N)..." He murmured, his grasp tightening as he uttered your name under his breath. You blinked in surprise that he was calling your name and leaned even closer to listen to his heartbeat. It was beating at dangerous speeds. You tested his breathing, panicking as you found that it had slowed down.

"Yoongi!" You called a little louder, shaking his feverish form in attempts to wake him up. He gave no response.


"Yoongi," Whispered a voice. It was familiar; so familiar that even though sleep dragged on his eyes he still found himself prying them open to confirm the owner of who was trying to wake him up. 

It was you. 

"Yoongi!" You whispered again, more harshly this time as you lightly grabbed his arm and shook it. He sighed and sat up on the bed; rubbing his eyes and not too happy about being woken up.

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