Great  it looks like she has to keep Dinah on a short leash again. 

It wasn't the Lauren was anti social she just found that she didn't to talk much unless necessary and now it seemed that Dinah was trying to push that boundary. 

"Well look who we got here Becky are you not going to introduce us" Dinah says with a smirk as she bite her bottom lip and looks at the girl standing next to Becky. 

"Hello Dinah. Camila This is Dinah Jane, the short one next to her is Ally, and from all the pictures I've shown you I know you can recognize Normani my girlfriend. And the one on the side of her in that dark and brooding facade is Lauren. Girls this is Camila my new room mate she just transferred here from the public university." Becky responds while getting closer to Normani and hugging her. 

"Camila huh. SO where are you from because I can swear if I'd ever seen you before I would have never forgotten you" Dinah states making Camila a bit nervous

"I am terribly sorry about her it seems we forgot to give Dinah her medicine before leaving" Lauren says giving Dinah a do not start shit tonight look. 

"Um it's fine really. I'm Camila" the girl says with a shy smile. 

"Lauren and the pleasure is mine" Lauren says taking Camila's hand in her own 

"Seriously" Dinah whisper yells but ally just elbows her on the side telling her to shut up. 

"So what brings you to our little town in the outskirts of Boston?" Lauren asks in a polite tone

"Well I actually got accepted on Scholarship for literature and I just couldn't resist" Camila answers 

"You're Lit major? Wow Lauren and to think you were the only nerd between all of us studying that major" Dinah says with a smirk

"Actually Dinah, if you must know Literature is a great form of expression for many. how do you thing Musicians create music or how those amazing stories in books and online come to life. It is because of those people who focus on literature itself to create those master pieces" Camila responds leaving everyone with a dropped Jaw except for Lauren who is smirking. 

"Well then how about we get some drinks" Mani says breaking the tension. 

"Drinks are great Camila Come on" Becky says grabbing Camila's hand and walking away from the 4 girls. 

"Okay I like her." Normani says after Becky is far away

"She seems cool I mean anyone who can make Dinah look like an even bigger fool is okay in my book" Ally replies

"Ha-ha very funny. But yeah she's alright. What do you think Lauren?" Dinah asks looking at the fearless leader

"COPS!" she states and the other 3 girls panic. 

"Shit! okay , Um I'll make sure that Becky and Camila get out of here and I'll mean you at the car" Normani says rushing towards the drinks before everyone else realizes that the Bonfire is about to be busted. 


"Oh hey were just heading back. Babe are you okay" Becky asks when she sees Normani panting a little. 

"Ye-yeah. yo-you and Camila need to go now. Cops ar-are coming" Normani warns and once she says that the sirens are being heard

"COPS!!!!!!!!!" some one yells making everyone around them scramble in chaos. 

"Fuck. Uh okay are you going with Lauren and the girls?" Becky asks while ditching the drinks 

"Yeah you two just get back to Campus we'll meet you there alright?" Normani asks 

"Yeah that's fine. I'll see you in a bit" Becky stated then give Normani a quick kisses before Dragging Camila towards her car. 


"Everything taken care of?" Lauren asks when Normani gets in the SUV

"Yeah they headed to Becky's car." Normani says 

"Is she driving that busted ass piece of junk she owns" Dinah asks While ramming through the woods to get to the main road

"I don't know why?" Normani asks

"Because by the looks of it her car isn't starting" Dinah says pointing at Becky's car some feet away.

"Shit stop the car now" Normani says 

"Got this" Dinah says Drifting to a stop next to Becky's car and getting out

"Is there a problem Becky" Dinah asks while hunching over the driver's window

"Yeah won't start think you can fix it?" Camila answers for her friend

"Let me take a look pop the Hood Gomez" Dinah orders and a pop is heard 

While that happens Lauren Gets out of the car and stands bu Dinah and the opened hood

"Dinah don't" Lauren warns in a hushed tone 

"Would you rather they get busted come on Laur" Dinah says and her eyes go dark 

"Try it now BEckY" Dinah says and in a second the engine comes to life.

"You're a life saver. thanks Dinah " Becky responds 

"No problem See you at Nicky's" Dinah replies closing the hood 

"Alright hurry up" Ally yells from the passenger seat as she hears sirens getting closer

"Oh shit right. Get in Lauren" Dinah demands and gets in the driver seat again

"Hold on to something cuz this is going to be a bumpy ride" Dinah states revving the engine and speeding through the branches and the fallen trees. 

As they drove more sirens began to get closer and closer. It was clear that there was more than one police car behind them. 

"Dinah your heading to the cliff what the fuck." Lauren yells 

"Chill Lauren let me drive" Dinah argues as they pass the clearing of the woods. 

"Dinah the Cliff" Ally yells 

"Alright Mani You know what to do" Dinah says as they drive into the fog of the cliff. 

"Lauren now or never let's go" Normani says holding out her hand And Lauren knows that they shouldn't;t be doing this but they have to or else it will be a disaster dealing with their parents. 

"Fine, but do it quick. Ready one 3" Lauren says 



"THREE!" Dinah Yells and lets go of the while as her eyes darken along with Normani's, Ally's and Lauren's 

They all heard the sirens and the heard the screech of tires. They even heard some yelling but the officers never noticed them. When they were sure that there was no one left all four girls let go and released a breath. 

As that occurred. The SUV descended from fog of the cliff. 

"That was fucking awesome" Dinah says when she grabs the wheel again

"That was dangerous" Lauren replies

"Aw come on Lauren that was pretty fucking awesome we literally just had this SUV Suspended in the air with our powers while being in the Car." Normani says in excitement

"Again Dangerous you know it gets addicting" Lauren warns 

"Yeah well it hasn't killed us yet so just relax" Dinah says high giving Ally and driving off. 

A/N: Yeah not what you expected I know but I couldn't;t help it this idea is just too good to pass up. Hope you enjoy. 

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