Chapter 19

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*Justin's pov*

Max:"Let's go! Lucas grab the money!" He yelled. While I stood there not knowing what to do. I was panicking.

Me:"What am I supposed to do?!" I yelled to Max.

Max:"Just follow us around and don't go too far. If you see any of the gang members then just shoot." He explained. I nodded and followed them to a van.

We got in and immediately sped of. I'm coming Jen. Hold on baby girl. Just hold on.

Max:"Jake step on it!" He yelled frustrated and I understand him. I know how he feels. Can't blame him I mean how would you feel if your sister was kidnapped because of what your family did in the past?

Jake:"We're nearly there."

Me:"Max calm down. We're going to find Jennifer and bring her home with us alright?" He nodded and looked down.

We finally stopped and when I looked out of the window I saw we were at an old warehouse but we parked a few feet away.

Lucas:"Alright. Carter, James and Jake you guys go in from the back and kill anyone in site. Me, Max and Justin will go in from the front. If anyone sees Drew....don't kill him. Just shoot him in the leg or something but don't kill him. I wanna give him a piece of my mind first." He explained. We all nodded and headed towards the warehouse carefully.

James, Jake and Carter went behind the warehouse while me, Max and Lucas tried to open the front door.

Lucas:"Can you guys stop breathing cause I can't hear the lock." He hissed in a whisper. I rolled my eyes and slowed down my breathing Max doing the same.

After a few seconds we heard the click and we looked at Lucas.

Lucas:"Be quite." He whispered then slowly opened the door. While he did I took out my gun and held it besides me.

After the door was fully opened we tiptoed in only to be met with darkness. The only light was the sun shining through the small window which wasn't helping much.

Lucas gestured towards the stairs and we nodded tiptoeing up the old creaking stairs.

We reached the top and looked around. We heard noises coming from different directions.

Lucas:"Alright both of you get into one room and look around. You know what to do if you see someone right?" Me and Max nodded and went into different directions.

I walked up to a big door before giving out a deep breath. I pressed my palm against the handle gently and squeezed it before slowly opening it. I peeked my head inside and saw guys at a table playing cards.

I quickly shot each off then and closed the door behind me. I heard gun shots coming from outside so I'm guessing they killed.

I looked at the now dead bodies on the floor with blood every where.

Me:"Yukk..." I whispered and started looking around. Nothing suspicious so I walked out to see all the guys at the hallway looking around.

Max:"Did you find anything?" He asked when he noticed me. I nodded my head no.

Lucas:"We cleared everyone from the second floor. And we couldn't find anyone on the first floor. So there's only one more place we can look."

Me:"The basement..." I said and he nodded.

Me:"Let's go then."

We all slowly and carefully walked down to the kitchen where we found a door. Lucas was ahead of us so he opened it. He put his finger to his lips signalling for us to be quite when we heard noises.

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