Chapter 7

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*Jennifer's P.O.V.*

The next morning I woke up before my alarm. I just woke up in the middle of the night out of nowhere. And since then I couldn't fall asleep. I just laid there thinking. Waiting for my alarm to finally go of. But it was like the time was going slower then it normally does.

Today is Thursday. And I'm fine with that cause I have good lessons today. It's just Drew I'm worried about. I really don't like this whole thing with him here.

Out of nowhere I heard my alarm go of causing me to jump from the sudden noise.

Me:"I'm gonna die from these mini heart attacks one day I swear...."

I murmured with a sigh getting out of bed.

How did I not notice the sun coming up?

Fuck that I need a shower. That will wake me up.

*skip the shower*

Me:"Morningggggg." I greeted Max looking around to see if mums anywhere.

Max:"Morning." He said putting my plate of food in front of me.

Me:"Thanks. Is mum not home yet?"

Max:"She is. She's still sleeping. She came home late at night and she straight went to bed." He shrugged.

Me:"She works too much."

Max:"I know." He sighed joining me at the table.

I slightly nodded my head looking at my food when I remembered something.

Me:"You know Drew..."

Max:"Did you see him anywhere? Did he do something?"

Me:"Nah nah...but I don't know. He might be planning something. He somehow got into my school and not only that but he got into my year. Two years apart but he's in my year."

Max:"What the fuck? How did he get to do that? Did no one check his age or anything?" He asked getting mad.

Me:"I don't know. But he also managed to get in all of my classes. All of them."

Max:"That's next level crazy now the fuck? This bastard if he dares do anything I swear I'll dig him a grave my self." He slammed the table making me jump.

Me:"Calm down. It's fine. He wouldn't dare do anything to me there. Too much people."

Max:"He better not. And after school be careful too. Should I pick you up?"

Me:"No it's alright. I'm with the friends anyway. And there's Justin as well. He'll protect me." I winked making him roll his eyes.

Max:"Another guy I need to worry about?"

Me:"Justin? Hell no. He's completely different from Drew. And....we're just friends." I said taking another bite of my food.

Max:"Aha. Just friends." He made a face earning a laugh but stopped when I heard the door bell.

Max:"I'll get it." He stud up from the table and I continued to eat my food.

I turned around once I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and I was suprised when I saw Justin behind Max.


Me:"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked and watched as he sat down next to me.

Justin:"I came to pick you up for school?" He said in a duh tone.

Me:"Oh. What about Kiara?"

Justin:"She said shes coming late today." He shrugged and I looked at Max who was staring at Justin with a stern look.

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