Chapter 3

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Me:"Morning mom." I greeted my mum the next morning.

Mom:"Morning." she replied without even bothering to look at me. I sighed knowing she was still mad about yesterday.

Me:"Mom...I'm sorry ok? I know it was hard finding another school and I promise I will try my best." I said hoping she wont be mad anymore.

Mom:"All right sweetie and I'm sorry too. I know you had a hard time as well moving all the time and exspecially the problems with your ex." she said finally turning around. I cringed of the thought of him. I looked down at my lap playing with my fingers.

Me:"I don't want to talk about him please." I said I just wanted to forget him and everything that happend.

Mom:"Sorry sweetie." She said giving me a warm smile.

Me:"It's ok." I said smiling back. She walked to me and gave me a tight hug.

Mum:"You don't have to worry about him anymore."

Max:"Morning......what's going on?" Max asked as he aproched the kitchen.

Mom:"Nothing just a little mother and daughter talk." My mum said as she let go of me stroking my hair before she  went back to making breakfast

Max:"Oh ok." he said and sat next to me.


Me:"Hey." I said to Justin as I sat next to him in lesson which was Technology. If this isn't the worst lesson ever then I don't know what is.

Justin:"Hey." He replied as he took out he's equipment while the teacher started talking and showing us pictures of other people's work. And  I actually listened because I promised mum I would try to behave.

All we did throughout the lesson is copy things from the board and listen to the teacher as he showed us other peoples work as he explaind how it was made and with what.

It was kinda alright with Justin being there. He made it look fun.


It's been 4 hours in school and I'm tired and bored as fuck.

Justin:"5 minutes till the bell." He said.  I guess he noticed me groaning and sighing all the time.

Me:"Urgh 5 minutes is too looong." he chuckled and shook his head.

Justin:"Not if your actually doing something and not just sit there complaining all the time." he said laughing lightly. Damn I love that laugh so much.

Me:"How long now." he checked on his phone making sure no one else sees it before answering.

Justin:"4 minutes."

Me:"It's only been a minute?! God damn it this is like hell."

Justin:"Jen chill just keep on talking to me and the time will just fly away." I sighed and nodded.

In those 4 minutes me and Justin talked about random stuff before I heard the bell.

Me:"Halleluja!" I said throwing my hands up before packing up quickly.

Justin chuckled and started packing up as well. I ran out of the class Justin behind me into the library since I never go to lunch. I slowed down when I entered.

We walked over to the rest of the guys before taking a sit.

Me:"Hey guys."

"Hey." they replied then everything went silence until Darius stood up and motioned the boys to stand up and follow him which they did. I watched as Justin stood up and went after Darius and Cyrus.

I turned back around confused to see the girls staring at me. Well this is wierd...

Me:"Where are they going?"

Viki:"Out. We need to talk to you." I looked at her wierd but nodded slowly letting her know I'm listening.

She sighed and stayed quite for a few seconds before speaking again.

Viki:"Well...erm...your..urgh.....Drew  is back!" I froze at my place. My eyes staid on her waiting for her to say it's a joke but all of them just stared at me sadly.

Me:"What the fuck? How?"

What will I do now? More importantly what will he do? Why did he come back?


This shit just got real!! In the next chapter I'm going to put Justins point of view in it so it can get more excited. Again if there's some mistakes just tell me. Love you. Bye.😚

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