"I put it on charge by the sofa," Namjoon replied. Yoongi grumbled something akin to 'thank you' and strolled over towards it, back to the younger man. Namjoon coughed awkwardly. "Hey, uh, what's that slimy stuff on Jimin's ball?"

Yoongi glanced up, eyebrows knitted together. "What?"

Namjoon walked out of the room, beckoning a grouching Yoongi to follow. He gave the ball a slight nudge, revealing blotches of bubbly wet on the wooden floor.

"Holly," Yoongi explained casually. "She's been going crazy for it for days. She misses Jimin." The last part was mumbled and Namjoon turned towards his friend.

"Oh, so Jimin was playing with Holly when... it happened?"

The composer shrugged wordlessly, glancing back down to the phone in his hands. "I don't know? It's the past, Namjoon-ah. I don't care about the award anymore," Yoongi muttered.

Silence engulfed the apartment when Yoongi strolled off to finish getting dressed, leaving Namjoon alone in the messy apartment to investigate. He stepped over some toys and towards the empty cupcake wrappers on the coffee table. The crumbs were stale and hard; they'd been there for a while. The television was turned off completely, but what Namjoon found odd was the empty DVD of a Tinkerbell movie resting idly on the stand by the remote.

Namjoon knew the myth of children becoming hyper after an intake of something sugary and sweet. It seemed logical. Jimin was watching Tinkerbell as Yoongi worked, decided to grab some cupcakes and became hyper. Left the movie to play with Holly and the ball inside, consequently breaking the prize award.

But that was just a myth. Sugar doesn't affect anyone's behaviour one bit. Namjoon knew Jimin. 

From the copious play dates the two had, Namjoon knew what kind of Little Jimin was. Jungkook was the hyper one, troublemaker and mischievous bunny. Namjoon knew he was a quiet Little, in a older headspace than Jimin and Jungkook, neat and tidy with a compassion for building and reading.

Then there was Jimin. Jimin was a mix of both Namjoon and Jungkook. On a normal day Jimin's headspace was that of a three or four year old. He was naturally hyper with his Daddy and quite whiny at times. But Little Jimin loved Tinkerbell. Loved watching the movies on repeat without ever getting bored.

Most importantly, Little Jimin knew his Daddy's rules. Knew playing ball inside was an important one, too.

So it made no sense why Little Jimin would walk away from a Tinkerbell movie to suddenly play ball with Holly. Clearly things didn't match up, there was more to the story than meets the eye.

And only Jimin knew the full, truthful story. No one had bothered to ask him, they had assumed what Yoongi also assumed.

Namjoon grabbed his phone quickly, swiftly typing out a message and hitting send.

To Jin-hyung:
Ask Jimin what happened that night. Don't let him switch the subject.

From Jin-hyung:
What? Are you guys okay?

To Jin-hyung:
I don't think it was Jimin that broke Yoongi hyung's award. Get the full story from him. We'll be there in twenty minutes. Love you.

Blushing when he received a quick "okay, love you too", Namjoon stuffed his phone into his back pocket as Yoongi walked out of the room dressed properly with dry hair. His dark eyes drifted towards the mess of the apartment.

"Need to clean this up," he muttered, grabbing a trash bag.

"Wait, Yoongi," Namjoon interrupted seriously. Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "I need you to listen very carefully."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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