Luke starts to chuckle. There is that amazing sound again, Luke chuckling. I love to hear that. "My flight was good, thank you."

I smile at him and nod. My cheeks are probably the deepest shade of red. I'll just ignore that, hoping that he doesn't notice but he probably already did.

"You're welcome!"

I start to drive towards Luke's hotel. He told me the adress when I asked him. We're driving in silence. The only sound here is the sound of my cheap radio. It has a good sound though, so I'm not complaining about my cheap radio. It's a good radio.

I park my car on the parking lot in front of the hotel. We both get out and Luke grabs his suitcase out of my car. We walk inside of the hotel.

Luke walks towards the lady at the desk. I look around the lobby. It's a really nice hotel. I didn't even know we had this hotel here in San Fransisco. It's actually not that far from my home.

That was a lie because it is still a tourty minute long drive but, I'm just trying to act like a cool fanfiction person who accidentally lives close to the hotel the love of her life sleeps at so they can be cool and live happily after.

But, that isn't even the case here so I'll just be honest. It's a fourty minute drive towards my home and I actually don't live that close to the hotel Luke is sleeping at. So, that is said.

Luke walks towards me, with the keys in his hands. My thoughts are racing through my head and I don't even know if all these thoughts are mine or someone else's.

"The lady told me that my room is room 183. It's on the fourth floor," Luke says. He walks into the elevator and I get in as well.

"I'm afraid of elevators," I say. I mentally slap myself. Why would you say that to someone?

Luke laughs softly. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. Luke laughed about it so that makes it ten, maybe twenty, times better. "That's cute. You don't have to be afraid. Nothing will happen."

I nod softly and lean against the wall. Luke grabs his phone and checks his lockscreen. He reads some messages or something. I can see that because he's scrolling on his lockscreen and when I do that it's aways to check my messages. Figured that maybe Luke would do the same.

I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore. I feel like a completely different person when being with Luke. He makes me feel nervous and awkward. I don't want to act awkward, but it just happened.

I was fine, sort off, when I was at the airport waiting for him. But my heart starting beating faster since I heard his voice and it hasn't stopped since then. I keep on thinking about weird things when being with him. And don't forget the weird ass things I'm saying to him.

Luke must think that I'm a weirdo or something. I don't blame him, 'cause I wouldn't want to be friends with myself if I'm like this. Luke seems to want that but maybe he just wants to be nice or something. Luke seems like that nice person who doesn't want to be mean and just sees how this goes.

The elevator stops and we walk out. "See, that wasn't scary at all," Luke says. He smiles at me, showing me his cute dimples once again, making my heart melt.

"You're right," I say, "it isn't that scary. I'm just afraid that I'll be locked in there some day."

"Well, at least we would have been together." He smiles again and opens the door to his hotelroom. He walks inside, with me following him.

The room is not that big, just normal. There is a king sized bed on the left side of the room, an a tv on the right side. There is a table with two chairs on the right side when you walk in. The walls are a bit yellow, with a little big orange.

The walls are so ugly but Luke in front of them makes it ten times better. Maybe twenty, though. Luke makes everything looks better. And, I already said that, I think.

"I'm glad that you're here," I mumble unsure. Luke looks up. "Me too. I was looking forward to this day. It's a blessing to see you in real life."

My heart skips a beat. "That's adorable." He chuckles and walks towards me. "You're adorable."

He bops my nose. It makes me giggle. I never giggle, because I hate my giggle, but giggling because of Luke doesn't bother me for some reason. He can hear my ugly giggle, I don't mind.

"Stop being so cute." Luke blushes. "Sorry, I'm just happy to see you. You're even prettier in person. And cuter. I didn't even think that it was possible but it is, Jimi. I'm so glad that we met."

"Cutie." I wrap my arms around his body and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me back. I feel happy when Luke is near me, when he touches me. I'll never be able to tell him but he makes me so damn happy. Only his smile can make my day, or his cute goodnight text. It makes me the happiest girl alive.

Luke pulls away from me and smirks a little. "Ready for our sleepover?"

My awkward self seems to be gone, so I nod excitedly. "Oh hell yeah. Let's break this freaking hotel!"

Luke laughs and gets the donuts, and many more food out of his bag. He plops down on the bed and pats the spot next to me.

"Let's get fat."

And that makes me smile. Why? Because Luke told me that he that he was fat. I could never see it, still can't, but he could in the past. Him making a joke about it shows me that he's making process in becoming happy again.

And that makes me happy. You have no idea how much that makes me smile. Luke is finally starting to become happy again.

Maybe a little because of me.

2AM CALLS - luke hemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora