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Roman gods and goddesses, deities and nine muses


Jupiter - Roman chief of the gods
Juno - Jupiter's wife, goddess of marriage
Minerva - Jupiter's daughter, goddess of wisdom, war, art, schools, and commerce
Venus - goddess of beauty
Mars - god of war
Belona - goddess of war
Momus - god of satire, mockery and poets
Mercury - god of shopkeepers and irenants, travelers and transporters of goods, thieves and treasures
Silenus - god of drunkeness and wine making
Bacchus - Roman god of agriculture, wine and fertility
Alcides - gatekeeper of Olympus
Apollo - god of poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge
Lady Justice - goddess of justice
Hebe - cupbearer of the gods and goddesses, daughter of Jupiter and Justice
Ganymede - son of Tros, known for his beauty

Caliope - muse of heroic poetry
Melpomene - muse of tragedy
Thalia - muse of comedy
Polyhymnnia - muse of rethoric
Erato - muse of lyric poetry
Euterpe - muse of song and music
Urania - muse of astronomy
Clio - muse of history
Terpsichore - muse of choral song and dance

Nymph - a young female deity typics identified with natural features.
Ondina & Naiad - types of female spirit/nymph

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