part. 4

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( i wanted to try the instagram thing )

Crystal pov.

mornings. i can't explain how much i hate those, but today i felt happy waking up. Like a normal teenager the first thing i did was checking my phone bc DUH.

i saw i had a few snaps, some instagram comments and all that jazz.

but one notification i was specifictly happy about:

Zach♡: Good morning sunshine, i hope u have an amazing day

yes i changed his name, over the past month zach and i have been texting every single day, like really getting to know each other.

i think i'm starting to like zach. he has the worst but also funniest humor. And let's face it he's fucking hot.

anyways i got of bed feeling pretty amazing, i went to the bathroom to splash some water in my face, brushed my teeth and did what i had to do. I got out and decided to listen to some music. I started my why don't we playlist bc i'm such a supporting friend, nah i just really like their music. I put on a big smile as my favorite song started playing so i started to sing my heart out.

" it's not just me no you feel it too. You know and i know, we lost the lotto. It's like out love cut the line in two we on different sides tho lost in the echo" PLING

I went to my phone and saw who texted me. Again my smile grew as i saw who it was from

Zach♡: u just gonna leave me on read? i'm hurt

Crystal: sorry i was just jamming to this amazing band

Zach♡: i can never be as good as ours tho

Crystal: it is yours, dumbass

Zach♡: ohhhh, i'm so stupid

Crystal: yea i've noticed

Crystal: but i still love youuuu


Crystal: wtf

Zach♡: hello i'm corbyn, i stole zach's phone bc he was smiling like crazy and i wanted to see what he was smiling at

Crystal: i just said that i love him

Zach♡: AWW.

Zach♡: here's my number *** *** *** you should text me sometime.


Crystal: nice to kinda meet u!

Zach♡: u too!!

Zach♡: okay i'm back. Corbyn stole my phone

Crystal: oh really? i didn't notice :))

Zach♡: r00d

Crystal: imma go back to my music BAII

Zach♡: see ya:))

after that weird and confusing conversation. I decided to take a instagram picture bc i was in a great mood

 I decided to take a instagram picture bc i was in a great mood

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

liked by camcarter, starlax and 43,453 others

@ Ccxabout morning vibes

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Starlax bestie slaying the game🔥😍

boyuser1 damn those lips bby🤤💦

boyuser2 ur so hot🔥🔥

girluser1 u look so beautiful😱😩

girluser2 can i be you pls?!

Camcarter lookin good sis😙

Ccxabout @starlax love you bby😇😘

Ccxabout @camcarter i miss u bud☹️




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let me know pls

Mystery girl// Zach Herron texts♡Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα