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She stared blankly at the wall across her. What had she done wrong?  

Not being Elena, that's what. She laughed dryly. It sounded off the wall and she stopped, merely hearing the echo of her own chuckle.  

"It's such a good thing to be able to meet with you..."


Renalyn skipped merrily along the hallways of her school. She was humming cheerfully, even though she wasn't sure of the lyrics of the song. She had taken a liking to music these days, due to the influence of her friends.

"May angels lead you in~"

Today was her boyfriend and her anniversary and she had been looking forward to it. Her boyfriend always did something on their anniversary and it never failed to excite her. After all, he was the school hottie and she was just a typical normal high school girl who loves Chemistry.


Her trail of thoughts was cut off when she had bumped into someone. They both fell down to the floor, their things dropping.  

Her face quickly flushed as she realized the situation. She, just a normal plain girl, was skipping down the hallways, humming without a care in the world.  

Her blush deepened when she realized it was one of her boyfriend's friends, his best friend.  

"Oh no, I swear I didn't mean it! Oh my goodness, I was being careless! I'm so, so, sorry and-- Oh gosh, I made you drop your things... I'm sorry aga--" Her blabbering was cut off by the boy's chuckle.  

"Dude, it's alright. You just bumped into me. Anyways, why so... jubilant?" He chuckled, standing up while brushing his pants. He offered her a hand.  

She took it gratefully, wondering what his name was again. She stood up and smiled at him.  

"It's 'our' anniversary!" she proclaimed with a sing-song voice.  

The boy's eyes flashed with an unidentifiable emotion and Renalyn just shrugged it off, thinking it was only a trick of the light. "Really?"

"Uh-um!" She nodded, grinning. "It's, in fact, our 3rd anniversary!" 

"Congratulations then!" the lad cheerfully acknowledged.  

The boisterous bell suddenly rang and she slightly winced from the volume.  

"Well, see ya," the boy waved.  

Renalyn waved back, smiling.  

"The name's Ethan, by the way."

Her eyes widened by disbelief. "How did he..?"

From the boy's chuckle and his quiet murmur of something along the lines of 'being easy to read', she got her answer.

Her eyebrows twitched as she huffed and turned the other way, walking briskly.

If she turned just a second late, then she would've noticed the lad still staring at her.


"Ah," the lad, upon noticing her, grinned his usual boyish smile. "Hi, Rena!"

She loved the personal nickname he gave her.  

"Heyyo, Luke," she greeted with a smile. "Happy anniversary, hun."

His grin couldn't possibly get any bigger. "Park at 8, kay?"

She mock-saluted. "Yes, sir!"

Luke chuckled and headlocked her. "C'mere you."

Renalyn just grinned sheepishly. "Ahaha."


She sighed as she looks at her watch. It was already nine and it was extremely dark. He was late.  

She tapped the ground impatiently. Seriously, wasn't it the girl who was usually late and not the boy?

She sighed, it can't be helped. She pulled her phone out and called Luke to obviously ask why the hell was he not there yet.

Exactly six rings and a few words exchanged later, she got her answer.

"I'm sorry... It's kind of hard to explain... You see... I-I don't feel anything anymore... No, no, wait, don't hang up! I tried really hard to... to... Ugh... It's really difficult to say... See, there's this girl... And we'd been hanging for a while now..."

Her eyes widened as she zoned out, not paying attention. 'What...'

She silently fell to the ground, along with her phone, not caring anymore. Her sight was spiraling, getting blurry. 'What...?'

'What did he just...?'


Another dry laugh.

"Because I am happy like this."

"Happy like this..."


Arashi's Corner: Heyyo. :D I just decided to this on a whim, nyahahaha. Hope you all liked it~ Constructive criticism would be awesome and well-appreciated. =w=b

Oh, and by the way, the song to the right is 'Hear You Me' by Jimmy Eat World. An awesome song!

Foo, shoot me for my limited knowledge of celebrities.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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