Monster ¶

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I took in a deep breath and tried not to make a single noise. The Thing must have been right in front of me. I couldn't see a thing because the fog was still heavy. I closed my eyes to gain control over my wolf. I used my wolves eyes to see what I could not. With her eyes, I could see in the dark and see things better. My jaw dropped in shock to the sight of the creature.

It had a bloody deer scull as a face and two large antlers. I noticed the sharp long spear standing straight up in his hands. That weapon was used back in the 1800s by Indians, why does it have one?

I wiped my eyes and thought I was dreaming. Clearly, it was not a dream. I heard a dripping noise and looked around to find it and I noticed it was from his hand he was holding a severed head. That poor unlucky teen.

I had a feeling that if I didn't come up with something quick I would have the unlucky fate as that boy.

The monster looked me in the eyes with a blank stare. Sweat drizzled down my forehead almost into my mouth. I gripped my hands tight as The Thing  tilted its head and started to sniff the air. It started to take a step forward. I had two choices A to run as fast as i can or B try to fight it.

The Thing got closer i decided to step back slowly. I then stepped on a leave and it ran up to my face. It breathed heavily it also smelled like death. I gasped as it lifted its bloody hand up to stroke my cheek.

I backed up and tripped over a branch and slammed my head on to a rock.

My vision faded to black and I fell out.

"Ugh, my head" I sat up slowly and touched the back of my head and there was blood.

I must have been sitting here for a while.

It was dark I looked up at the moon that lit up the sky. I walked through the fog that continued to thicken. Suddenly I heard a loud blood curdling shriek. I ran so fast not knowing which direction to run. I then stumbled across a foggy road. Before, I could run anymore I saw headlights they came to fast and I couldn't run fast enough.

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I noticed was sleeping on someone else's couch. I jumped up off the old grey couch that smelled of a lavander must. I wasn't in my clothing I once had on before. I looked for the clothes then a door squeaked open and I jumped.

"Hey, your awake." He said waking towards a coffee pot.

Shit its a human!

I bolted for the door and ran down the hall, He chased me and called for me. I ran down the stairs so fast that I could feel my heart beating in my head.

Who the hell was that? And why was i in their dorm?

I got to my dorm and the curtians were shut and the lights were off. I walked to my room and shut my door and fell asleep. Lucky my classes are at 8:30. Yeah three more hours of sleep.

I woke up at 9:00 to the sound of the shower running.

I guess I'm not going to school today.

I turned over and tried to sleep but she then started playing music. I finally just got up and walked over to the door of my bed room into the kitchen I started the coffee pot.

Nothing like a fresh cup of delicious coffee.

I opened the curtians in the sitting area to brighten up the mood. It was a beautiful day.

The shower stooped then she slammed her door and blared the music. Well, I fidgured out one thing! She is not a morning person!

I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on the couch and looked out the foggy window. After the cup of coffee I walked to my room and shut the door.

"I think I should go for a run" I said to my self.

I put on my running gear and began to head out the door I then grabbed my dorm keys.

"Okay, now I'm ready for shoes...wait! where the hell are my shoes? shit!" I began to remember that I left them at the boys house.

"So much for fresh air! now I have to buy new ones!" I said in a growl.

I sighed heavily and grabbed my old tennis shoes and snatched my wallet off my matress.

They really need to bring my stuff.

"Oh shit! my cell phone and my air pods!" I turned around and ran to my room.

I ran and grabbed my cell phone and air pods off the night stand,

"finally! I'm ready to go." I walked towards the door.

"where are you going?" she asked from behind me.

"To the store like its any of your buisness," I twisted the door knob.

"Okay, fine be that way!" she stormed into the kitchen.

"I'm tired of you treating me like crap! I am a person you know!" I yelled.

"You brought this apon yourself! you act like a fool all of the damn time! and I can't put up with it!" her eyebrows seemed to twitch.

"I think we need to have a little chat!" I almost growled.

I need to calm down, breath, just breath.

"I'm just trying to protect you!" She said.

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