Trouble |•|

13 1 0

We sat in the quiet and awkward elevator.

"You know you guys are doing a fantastic job!" I said sarcastically.

"Can it! Fleabag!" He said.

"How rude!" I spat in his face.

Then he growled and the other guy tried to calm him down.

"Come on! Cool it!" Said the shorter security guard.

"Wow is this good cop bad cop action!" I looked at both of them.

"No, I'm the good cop he just got back from a two-month course of anger management!" Said the tall one he was an Orc.

"What did he do? Beat up a car!" I laughed.

"No he flipped a desk and destroyed a whole classroom!" said the orc.

"Oh wow! what a fireball! So what are your names anyway?" I asked.

"Why should we tell you? It's none of your business!" Said the orc.

"Well, I feel bad for beating you up for no reason really" I was lying I was only curious.

The elevator opened into the lobby when we went down this long hallway.

"Dude! She was being nice!" Said the short one.

"Fine! My name is Asuka I am an Orc. This is my partner his name is tony and he is ah.. chameleon" said Asuka.

"That's a cool name! So do you know what I am in trouble for?" I asked.

"I don't know but the headmistress seemed to be really pissed. You see she's a dragon-like creature, she can turn into a freaking dragon!" Whispered tony.

" Whoa! I didn't know you can do that!" I whispered.

"Rumor has it! That's she is actually a demon or a shapeshifter!" He whispered.

"That's awesome" then we stopped right in front of a thick metal door.

"Well, here we are! Good luck!" He said putting me down and taking off my handcuffs.

"Wait! You're not coming with me!" I said.

"We can't! We are basically her slaves! Accepted we get paid but we can't leave!" Asuka said.

"Farewell!" I said.

I turned the handle slowly and walked in the dark room. I quietly shut it but the metal hit together and made a loud crushing sound. Her office was huge then all of the sudden the lights flashed on and her giant medieval chair turned to face me.

"Ah! You're here! Sit! Sit!" She clapped.

"I'm confused I thought I was in trouble?" I asked.

"No, no! Why would you be? Oh, right the security guards you attacked." She cleaned her glasses and put them back on.

I cleared my throat." Um..yeah about that..i-i"

"You don't have to explain yourself! I know exactly what happened. Now down to business! I am glad to have you here you are you enjoying your time so far? Because if you need anything I mean anything at all let me know! I will have it fixed immediately!" She said.

"Yeah, thanks I think I'm quite alright!" I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" She gripped her hands on her chair and I noticed her eyes had changed to a firey color and her pupils was a diamond like a cat.

"Um. I was just stretching my legs" I said nervously.

"Oh okay," she seemed to calm down.

"So what are your procedures on werewolf shifts?" I asked.

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