The Roommate °

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I woke up to the car's tires screeching as Buford slammed on brakes. I sat up and tried to look out my window but the fog was treacherous. I looked out the windshield and then blood splat on the front windshield. Then I noticed Buford was out of the car and I have a feeling that the blood was his. I jumped in the front seat and quickly shut the door and locked all the doors.
I heard something outside the car but the fog was still too thick. Then I heard I high pitched scream in the front of the car.

"Alright, you bastard! You killed my friend now I shall return the favor!" I hit the gas and I hit whatever ate Buford.

I saw a small glimpse of the creature that thing wasn't human. Humans don't have yellow eyes. I looked down at the GPS that wasn't working before and it finally started working. It said it was a few miles north I kept on driving. I feel terrible Buford was my only human friend he had a family. His children will be fatherless and it was my fault for falling asleep and not protecting him.

[You have arrived at your destination]

I looked up and there was nothing but forest. I got out and looked around I then noticed the front of my car was covered in blood. I think there are two different types the red must be Buford's and dark green must be the monster.

I turned around to the forest front and looked down and saw a brick road but it stopped at the roots of the tree. I scratched my head in confusion.

"Excuse mems! What are you doing here?" The man behind the tree.

"What? Never mind! The Um..I'm here for the school? But I don't see it" I said looking at the tree that the man hid behind.

"Ah ha!" He then jumped out from behind the tree.

"Ahh!" I screamed.

He was a vampire I could tell by the scent of blood on his lips.

"Don't jump out at people! Especially me!" I screamed at him.

"Okay sorry, now the school! Right, this way!" Then he waved his hand the passage cleared.

"Thank you!" I jumped in my car the drove down the forest path.

That guy was weird and why do they have vampires doing their dirty work. This werewolf school must be very prestigious when it comes to things. I pulled in the front and parked in front of the school. It was so big it looked like a castle almost like a Hogwarts just five times smaller.

I had to walk up a flight of stairs just to get to the lobby. I walked in the lobby and there were giant chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. the so amazing it was almost like I was in a fairytale. So far I've only seen a vampire but does that mean all staff is vampires? I walked in the door that said office on the front and I saw a bunch of ladies doing paperwork.

"Hello, what can I do for ya?" Her accent was throwing me off.

"Yes, I just got here and I have no idea where to go or what to do because my shofar just croaked over because his human self-got ripped out of the car and eaten alive. I shortly noticed the no monster and human interference sign.

" oh dear! A human killed that's why we made this school to stop human deaths from monster interference." She smiled.

Really? My mom sent me to a reform school for monsters I'm not even with my own kind!

"Alright, here you go here's all your papers. The rules the police and your monthly inspections and everything! Although we only have one monster room available its the last one so your lucky! Heres your key your room is on floor 17th and the staff will take your stuff up to your room! Have a nice day!" She smiled.

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