Part 3

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As he walked behind Conan, Connor found himself thinking. He quite liked working with an android instead of a human. It was more efficient and much easier, however there was not much talking. Connor was used to Hank always having something to say, even he was just voicing his hatred for androids. The silence was strange so Connor decided to start up a conversation.

"So, how are you, Conan?" This was usualy a good conversation starter for humans so why shouldn't it work for androids, Connor thought.

"My systems are all functioning as normal," Conan replied, a little confused as to why Connor was attempting to initiate small talk when there was no need to, "You should keep your attention on the investigation, Connor."

This comment reminded Connor that androids are not like humans when it comes to this kind of situation. Humans would talk about almost anything to lighten the mood, but maybe it would be better to talk about somthing more meaningful with Conan.

"Would you like me to tell you about the cases that Hank and I have investigated already?" Connor asked.

Conan nodded, keeping his his attention mostly on finding the deviant

"Well, we have investigated quite a few crime scenes and have come across several deviants, four of them escaped and the rest have been destroyed one way or another. We have-"

"How?" Conan interrupted.


"How did they escape?" he inquired curiously.

"Two of them crossed a dangerous highway successfully and I was not able to follow them," replied Connor, a bit annoyed at being cut off.

"What about the other two?" Conan insisted, "How did they escape?"

"Well, they were both about run away from the crime scene, and I was about to kill them, but..." Connor trailed off, not realy knowing if he should continue, but they then reach the end of the thirium trail before he could.

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