15//Chapter Fifteen - Who is your Chioma?

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Chapter Fifteen.
Who is your Chioma?


Mofe's P.O.V

"Fuck" I groaned. The rays of the sunlight hit me and I tossed around to face the other side of my room. I fucking hate mornings and today is one of them.

I twisted and turned from one side of the bed to the other while trying to avoid the sun rays. That's what happens when your room has so many windows. After I succeeded in making my bed a mess I got up.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush before making my way downstairs.

Good morning. Here. Good morning. There.

All these maids! Being rich ain't easy.

"Good morning dearie" My mom greeted from the sitting room. I wonder where she's going all dressed up in our native attire. "Ehen you know that my friend, em what's her name... Yes Mrs Oluwole" she asked cutting off my thoughts.

"Yes" I answered. Nope I have no idea who that is, but why waste my time when I could just say yes.

"Her daughter is getting married today and I was invited so I must attend" She said like she had no other option. She could just turn down the invitation. Anyways I don't really want her home, so she can go for all I care.

"Oh! Okay, Bye" I said and she left.

"Be a good boy" She turned back as she got to the door and smiled before leaving.

Me, good boy?

I followed my nose to get to the kitchen where breakfast was being prepared. Mrs Okaro, our cook for like seven years always has a way of making my mouth water whenever she's preparing a meal. I walked into the kitchen and greeted her. She responded and asked if I was ready to eat.

"Good morning Mofe" She responded to my greeting in her thick Igbo accent. "Are you ready to eat?" she asked.

"Oh, yes" I smiled sheepishly. Food and I are best buddies. "Let me get my phone first" I dashed off to my room.

I searched my room but I couldn't find my phone. "I charged it, then I used it for a while before dropping it" I murmured trying to remember where I kept my phone last night.

Just then it rang, I followed the sound and it went off. Dammit! Then it rang again, it was then I realized that I left it in the bathroom yesterday night. I opened the bathroom door and my phone was on the sink still ringing.

It was Tobi calling.

"How far" I said into the phone.

"Guy, when are you coming, it's already ten" he asked.

"On my way" I said and I cut the call. I already forgot that I said I was coming to visit. And I was going to meet his famous Chioma.

She might be nice and all for Tobi to like her but nobody can beat my Assurance.


Chioma's P.O.V



"ICM" I argued. Tobi and I have been arguing for the past fifteen minutes on where we should go out to. He was the one taking me out, fine I agree, but I should have a say in where we should go to.

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