07//Chapter Seven

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Chapter seven.

It feels really good to be back home to my family. I was received wholeheartedly by everyone including my grandma. I got home a little late and I'm really exhausted. I unpacked one of my boxes to get some things for the night and the rest for tomorrow. I took a long cold shower, got some nighties from my wardrobe and lazily carried myself downstairs.

"Nwa m, kedu otu e di?" My grandma asked in my native language. Igbo. "Ahu o dikwa gi nma?"

"I'm fine ma. " I said smiling.

But she just has to be difficult.

"Anaghi m anu oyibo, suo ya na Igbo, I na anu m? She said. I don't understand English, say it in Igbo language, do you understand?!

"A nulam, a dim nma" I replied. I've heard, I'm fine.

"Chioma, we have a lot to talk about " My elder sister said from the dining table and I walked towards her. Amaka, mama as she's fondly called is my twenty one year sister.

I missed her sha!

"Oya, spill em out" I sat next to her and she burst into laughter, why she was laughing, I still don't know.

"My Phone? " I questioned.

"Oh! Here it is, lots of messages await you " She said after her series of laughter.


"Let me clear up, we have gist o" she exited the dining and I just smiled. Even though I'm really tired, I can't wait to hear what she has to say and gist all night. After all I'm on holidays right?

She was right when she talked about the messages I'd receive. They're annoyingly too many. For goodness sake, I was only gone for three months.

100 friend requests on Facebook.
190 people requested to follow you on Instagram.
5,000 messages on whatsapp.

Not to talk of the messages from all other apps. Geez
To be honest, I like them, I know I wouldn't be so bored during this holiday.

I started scrolling through my messages from Facebook, then whatsapp where I received so many messages from group chats and some unknown numbers too. I replied all the unknown numbers with a 'hi please who is this' and then I decided to open Instagram when one of the unknown numbers replied.

Hey, It's Mofe.

I received a message while checking some of the posts on Instagram but I didn't bother looking at it but I knew that I received message. Later on, I closed the IG app and went back to Whatsapp.


Right now the only Mofe I know is the Mofe from Meadow Hall and I just have a feeling that it's him but he doesn't have my phone number though.

But he said 'it's Mofe?'

Yeah, it's Mofe!

He replied a few minutes later answering my thoughts. And well I read online that when you're talking to someone, if it takes the person two minutes to reply you should also reply within a space of two minutes so it doesn't seem like you're on the person's neck.

Me: Mofe who? From where please? Since you can't introduce yourself properly.

Mofe: Mofe Davis, from Meadow Hall, Chioma!

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