13//Chapter Thirteen - Desmond.

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Chapter Thirteen.

Tobi's P.O.V

If only Chioma knew the actual reason why I decided to move in with my father. I don't really like him but for her, I have to. My father and mother got divorced when I was twelve years old after cheating on her. They've agreed to be friends, which is kinda awkward.

I go to visit my father once in while. He lives in Ikeja in a two storey building with a lot of maids and helpers. His house is close to my new school and that means I'm going to get closer to Chioma.

If you don't know I liked Chioma from the first day I set my two naked eyes on her. She was just so beautiful and smart. She talks so well and she's shy sometimes and I like that trait in her unlike some girls that are free with every guy, she's not.

Immediately I left Chioma, I got on a bike. Apparently my house was three streets away from hers. I would've considered it as far but with Chioma it's not. I could walk all the way from my father's house to hers everyday just so I get to see her.

What has suddenly come over me?

When I got home, my father wasn't back from work yet. He's the General Manager in an oil company. Apparently he works from 8am till 9pm, so I wasn't surprised that he wasn't back.

I took a shower, the maids made my lunch/dinner. I already missed my mom's meals. I missed Tessy too. I missed home. I can't believe I left all of them for Chioma. What if she doesn't feel the way I feel?

I picked up my phone and decided to reply to my uncountable messages. I haven't been online for a while so all my messages flew in faster than the wind. I had to wait for over ten minutes for everything to enter before I started replying to some.

I ignored all Facebook messages. It was starting to bore me. I went over to Instagram. I received a lot of Dm's, mostly from girls.

After that I went to whatsapp, I archived most of my messages so I don't have to reply. I viewed status of people who have sense and not those who make their status a gallery.

Mofe was online. Been a while we talked.

Me: Guy, how far? Been a while

Mofe: I dey o, you've moved already?

Me: Yeah, i'm coming to your house this weekend.

Mofe: Okay, I'm waiting

Me: That Chioma girl I told you about is now in my class. I don't know how to say it but I really like her.

Mofe: What class?

Me: ss2, my class

Mofe: Cool, the one I told you about is also in ss2. I'm coming for practice tomorrow. You'll introduce me to ur Chioma and I'll introduce you to mine.

Me: Lol, okay.

I can't wait to introduce Chioma to Mofe, he'll like her at first sight. My thoughts were interrupted by a cough. My dad was already back. Way to spoil my mood.

"Good Evening Sir" I greeted, I still respected him and I don't know why. He cheated on my mom.

"How are you, how was school? Your mom called" he said the last part in a low tone.

I don't even know what to answer.

"Okay" I said and I walked up to my room. Remind me why I agreed to live with him. Oh, yeah. Chioma.


Chioma's P.O.V

"Okay, I'll miss you " he said as I walked into my house. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't even look back.

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