In Her Heat - Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

"There's no other way?" I asked hopefully.

He shook his head. "None, sorry."

I sighed in defeat. "So what now? My stomach is killing me. I can't even get out of bed."

"Shaman anticipated that so he gave me an herbal remedy-"

"NO! No more of his herbal concoctions!" I protested.

"He promised it won't hurt you," Cade said with a stressed out sigh.

"No, Cade. I'm not taking anything else unless it's an Advil. Extra strength."

"You don't have to drink or eat it," said Cade, "It's a cream."

I paused for a moment, thinking. A cream couldn't hurt me, right? "Okay, okay, give it to me."

Cade stood from the bed and left the room. I was boiling under all the comforters. I checked to make sure I was dressed before tossing them to the floor. I was in a pair of short cotton shorts and my bra. Cade returned.

"I'm wearing clothes," I said.

"So you are. Damon decided to have mercy on you."

"Yeah, yeah. Where's the cream?" I asked.

"So rude," said Cade. He held out a small green container. I took it from his big hands.

I unscrewed the cap and looked inside. It was indeed, a cream and it was a whiteish color. I sniffed it. "Ew," I said, my nose wrinkled. "It smells horrible."

Cade rolled his eyes. "You don't have to eat it, you just have to massage it into your skin."

"Ugh," I said. I scooped some onto my fingers and lowered my hand to my lower stomach. Cade's eyes tracked the movement. "Um, are you just going to sit there and watch like a creeper?" I asked.

"Unlike you, I have better things to do but Shaman made me promise to watch and make sure you did it right."

"Goody," I said, sarcasm coating my words. I jumped at the first contact of the cream with my warm skin. It was cold. Slowly, slowly, I rubbed it lightly onto my stomach where I'd felt the pain.

"My God, this is going to take all day," Cade complained.

"It's cold. Stop whining," I said to him. I continued to rub it lightly into my skin.

"You're doing it wrong," said Cade.


"You have to do it harder."

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