Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning

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Doctor- Has the family of Jazmin Smith arrived?

Miles- No doc. they're on their way..

Jake- Is she okay??

Doctor- She is about to give birth..We need the father to cut the umbilical cord..Are any of you two the father?

Jake- (Without thinking I instantly shouted)....I'll cut it!..

Miles- NO!...I'm the father..I'll do it.

Jake- What??...

Miles- Doctor where do I go?

Doctor- Follow me.

Ashley- Jake..It is not your place.

Jake- I know...I just...Ugh..I still can't believe this is happening..I mean Jazmin is pregnant and I never knew...

Ashley- Why are you so upset?

Jake- This will kill James if he were to find out...Miles is his best friend..I can't believe that son of a bitch would do this to him!!!

Ashley- Jake..We have nothing to do here.

Jake- I can't leave..I gotta know if the baby is okay..

Ashley- Why?

Jake- What do you mean why??...I need to see her...(Shit)...I mean..I just need to talk to her..I need answers..

Ashley- *Annoyed.....Answers to what??

Jake- You don't understand she was crazy in love with James...She couldn't have just moved on so easily and with Miles of all people!

Ashley- Why not?..The guy seems like he genuinely cares about her..You're not gonna tell me you didn't notice just how worried sick he looked..

Jake- Yeah he did...but that doesn't excuse the fact he's the best friend of James!!...Why would he do this!...Why would SHE do this!!....It doesn't make any sense..

Ashley- You wanna know what doesn't make any sense?..You worrying so much about a girl you haven't spoken too or seen for months now..A girl you so called moved on from...NOW THAT doesn't make any sense.

Jake- Babe it's not like that...

Ashley- Are you leaving with me or not?

Jake- I just want to know if they both are okay..Can we please wait for that?

Ashley- Trust me when I say that I am really trying here Jake.


I had cut the umbilical cord and now I was holding this beautiful little babygirl in my arms. Her dazzling big sky blue eyes were glistening as bright as diamonds. I touched her with delicacy as if she was made out of glass. Her shade of a soft rosy skin tone glowed perfectly with her chubby red cheeks. I couldn't help but feel somewhat connected to her. It wasn't my place to begin with but I felt as if she was mine. I cared for her before she came out to this world. The many times I had touched her while she was inside that belly before I was actually able to hold her in my arms. The many nights I spoke to her while her mom slept peacefully. I loved her even before I met her. I always wondered how she would look. I had visioned this day in my mind so many times. Yet I was not ready to be so easily breath taken and lost for words like I found myself now. I wanted to tell her that I wanted to be her dad. I wanted her to know I will protect her with my life if I have too. I will put her happiness first before anyone and anything in this world. I needed her to know how much she meant to me. I will always be there to guide her and support her. I will give her all this enormous love I'm holding inside for her. All the love that was patiently waiting to drift out the second my eyes met hers. My heart is hers to keep forever. I want her to know. I need her to know.

Miles- I'm sorry...I just couldn't put her down..but here carry her..

Jazmin- Thank you Miles..

Miles- For what?

Jazmin- For everything..

Miles- *Smiles...She's got your lips you know?

Jazmin- She's got those beautiful captivating blue eyes..

Miles- *Clears Throat...Lets not think about stuff that is going to cause heartache..

Jazmin-....I just can't help but think about him as soon as I look at her..It's as if I'm holding him in my arms...She looks so much like him...

Miles- She will always be a part of him Jazmin..She will always remind u of him..But you gotta move on..For her and for yourself.

Jazmin- I know Miles..I just don't know how..

Miles- I do..

Jazmin- Hmm?

Miles- Before I go on..I want you to listen carefully..I don't expect you to agree..Nor do I expect anything else from you..However I expect your understanding..So please just hear me out.

With a confuse look in my face I sat up straight as I rested my baby against my chest. He sat next to my legs as he nervously played with his keys. It was evident that whatever he had in his mind he seemed like a complete nervous-wreck. The concerned expression on his face told me that he was carefully choosing his words. I didn't know what to expect but I was afraid of something. I was afraid of losing him. He had become such an amazing friend. He had been there for me since the first day he found out I was pregnant. Ever since that moment we had been like glue stuck to each other. I was afraid that he might have second thoughts about being a part of my child's life now. He wasn't her father after all and he didn't have any obligation towards her. It's not like I could expect him to throw away his entire single life to help straighten my life out. I didn't want his pity either but I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I didn't want the thought of not having him around anymore cross my mind but it did. However if it was his decision to leave then I wouldn't stop him. After all who was I to stop him from finding his true love and to be able to make a kid of his own one day. I couldn't possibly be selfish enough to take that away from him.

Jazmin- Okay I promise I'll listen.

"Jazmin...You became someone special to me since the first day I met you..I couldn't believe how down to earth you were..There I was looking at you head to toe thinking you were so gorgeous there was no way you had personality to match your looks but I was wrong. I have never met anyone like you and I don't think I ever will..Because strong beautiful amazing girls like you come once in a lifetime". He fiddled around some more with his keys while taking a deep breath and continuing to talk.

"I fell in love with you a long time ago and now I have fallen in love with your beautiful little creation..What I am trying to say is...I want..No..I need you both in my life..I can't picture a single day without either of you". He turned to look at me directly in the eyes as he stood up and got down on his knees beside me.

"Jazmin..Marry me. I'll be the Father that James won't be..I'll be your forever partner that James couldn't be. I will never let you or her down. If death were to come knock on our door I would sacrifice my life for you both with no doubt. In life I will devote myself to make your life and hers the most happiest. I will cherish you both until my last breath in this world". My eyes widened in shock as he softly kissed my hand and continued "So what do you say?..Do you accept me to be a part of not only your life but hers as well?".

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