The Departure

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Everything looks normal. Good thing my emblem was able to last that long, But before Nyce could get up, he felt his waist being held down by a strong grip. He looked over to see Aqua, resting on the sand, with her right arm wrapped around his waist, refusing to let him go.

She looks so serene, when she's sleeping.

"Hey, Aqua," He started off whispering, before gradually raising his voice as his companion still continued to nudge her way closer into his side, "Aqua, wake up, sleepy head."

She began to adjust her current sleeping position, before letting go of Nyce's waist. She rolled onto her back with her arms at her side, before slowly opening her eyes. She was thankfully relieved in being greeted by the light of the sun, even if the sun is fictional in the end. Moving her arms over her head, and stretching herself to and fro, she deeply yawned, "I haven't slept so soundly in forever."

"That's good to hear, since you've been awake for several years down here."

Nyce took in a deep breath, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel better. Thank you for asking."

"Of course."

Silence took over their brief conversation. As Aqua continued to look up towards the bright blue sky, Nyce could only help but peer up to do the same, thinking of a way to progress with their final moments, I guess, I'll just be upfront.

"I'm going to have to leave soon, unfortunately."

"I see," Aqua left her sandy bed to sit back up, looking towards the endless ocean, pure from the Realm of Darkness, "All good things must end after all."

"Yeah, I can't afford to stay too long in this universe, and I have other responsibilities I need to attend to ..." Nyce glanced over to his side away from Aqua, as he recalled the numerous chores and tasks he had left sitting in the back burner back home, I really need to stop procrastinating.

"Well, before you go," Nyce turned back, upon hearing Aqua's voice, and was met with her clear cyan eyes and a shining face, as she sought to end their meeting on a high note, "There's something I've been meaning to ask you, but I haven't really thought much of it, until now."

Bringing her legs closer to rest her arms on her knees, she briefly stared off towards the open ocean, before turning back to her confidant.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you come to this universe and leave your own?"

"Why?" Nyce casually searched his mind for an easy answer, "Well, I grew tired of my own world for a long while now, so I figured it was time for a change in scenery and neighbors for a little bit."

"Is that the only reason?"

"Well, I mean that's one reason, and ..." He averted his eyes, pausing as he wondered if he should really go that deep with their final conversation, Do I really risk bearing my heart to a girl again? I guess it would only be fair, since she ...

"And you're an admirer, right?" Aqua instead took the liberty of finishing his sentence.

"Well, an admirer is one way to put it," Sometimes, admiration leads to more intimate feelings.

Wait- "Wait! I don't mean it like that, no!" While his mind raced with dirty interpretations, Nyce flushed with embarrassment, especially being with someone he grew so attached to, again, "I mean, I like you - just not in that manner!" It just seems he can't help but to be blushing in moments such as these. It has become an unintentional trademark of his back on Earth.

"I know," Aqua, on the other hand, was so amused by how someone, so intent on opening people's shells, has such an easily pierced one, "If you were only interested in sex, you wouldn't have gone through such an elaborate scheme to begin with."

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