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I slept all afternoon! The bed was so comfortable I couldn't help it and my body clock was confused from the jetlag. 

When I woke up, I forgot entirely where I was but then I realized...I was in Scotland, by myself, for two months or even more. Joy...

I rubbed my eyes, barely able to keep them open. Nevertheless I hopped out of bed and opened the door to leave. 

"Anthony!" Mr Hecox was calling my name, thank fucking god. I hoped that it would be dinner time because at that moment my stomach let out a loud growling sound.

"Coming." I walked down the stairs, with a smile on my face and suddenly bumped in to someone. "Oh s-sorry." I stammered, looking up to see a small blue eyed boy. He was cute too. 

Before he could reply, Mr Hecox had already began to speak again. "Anthony this is Toby. He's 23." I looked over at the man he was introducing and smiled at him awkwardly. 

Toby already looked bored to tears with the conversation and didn't look up from his Nintendo. "'Sup." He said shortly. He was well built, tall and had dark hair that hung messily over his face.

"I'm Luke." A boy next to him smiled, holding out his hand. Woah...friendly. I shook it and realized that they both had american accents. In that case at least I could understand them.

"Hey." I grinned slightly.  He looked just a couple years older than me and was just as equally built as Toby, with short brown hair and a nice smile.

My eyes wandered to the smallest boy, the one I bumped into before. He was perfect. He had the tiniest frame out of all of them and had the most perfect porcelain skin, making his eyes even more noticeable. Just. Wow.

All three of them had blue eyes but to me the youngest had the most beautiful shade of blue I had ever seen. They had a slight glint of yellow in them....that's unusual...

"Hi. I'm Ian." He smiled and gave me a quick wave before looking away from me. How cute. Ian...that name was pretty much perfect for him. He was also american and was so small! If I hadn't been told his age I would have thought he was a couple years younger, as he was much more petit than his brothers.

"Hey, Ian." I chuckled and saw him look up at his dad. I mean, he wasn't that small...probably just a few inches shorter than me but his eyes were so big and blue, it made him look a lot more tiny and innocent than he actually was. Like I said...it was cute.

"Great! Well now you've met all my sons and tomorrow you'll meet their sister! She's the second youngest of the four." Mr Hecox winked at me. God, not another dad wanting me to hook up with a girl. 

As much as I didn't show it, I actually wasn't interested in them. But I know if I admitted I was gay, then my life would be a living hell, especially in high school...homosexuality just wasn't good for your image apparently.

Rolling my eyes slightly, I forced a smile. "Okay! Cool." I shrugged and took a quick glance at Ian. Everytime I looked at him he seemed to become even more attractive.

"Time for dinner everyone!" A shrill voice called from the kitchens, who I guessed belonged to Ian's mother...perfect, more people I have to make a good first impression on. The sarcasm rang in my head.

However after dinner, I slowly slid out of my seat, thanked the parents and trudged upstairs. Even though I slept for a couple hours, I needed at least another hour to stay alive. This place has so many stairs, I think I'm actually going to collapse.

Phew... Finally I was in my room, spread out across my bed like a starfish. Yawning, I climbed into bed and turning off my dim reading light, before snuggling into the soft blanket.

I woke up somewhere around 12 o'clock in the morning, and averted my eyes over to Ians bed. Doesn't this dude ever sleep!? 

Suddenly the door opened and Ian stumbled in. He was so clumsy and it was kinda cute because the next moment he was on the floor, face in the carpet.

I laughed under my breath and watched as he stood up again to get into bed. Finally he's going to sleep! I hope he doesn't snore...

Grinning to myself, I slowly fell back into my dreams, breathing peacefully. The real world seemed to be sucked into an abyss of nothingness, when I looked over at my clock a few hours later.

It was 2am, and I didn't know why I couldn't sleep! Maybe it's because I slept all afternoon. My gaze shifted to the window and my heart stopped in wonder at what was sitting in front of it.

A small wolf of some kind, was sat on the window sill, staring out into the night, it's gentle soft brown hair was swaying to the wind. It was so beautiful...but I assumed I was dreaming.

I watched the animal for a while, watching it's fluffy haired chest moving up and down as he let out small breathes. The wolf was so calm, so tranquil and tame. Some part of me wished it was real life!

My eyes went wide as the wolf's ears suddenly pricked up. He turned to me, his bright blue eyes glaring into my soul. They looked so....so frightened? Wait. He's scared of me? Shouldn't I be the one who's scared?

My hand shaking, I smiled and found myself walking towards him, my hand out stretched. My fingers barely touched the wolf's gentle fur, before he yelped and pounced out the window and into the night...

"Wait..." I whispered out, watching the frightened wolf, sprint off into the trees. Poor thing. I probably scared it away. I just couldn't get his eyes out of my head, like I had seen them before. His fur was oh so soft, like you were touching air at just the correct room temperature, so silky you could barely feel it because it kept slipping between your fingers.

Sighing, I looked over at Ian's bed...it was deserted which made my heart pound slightly. What if...no. What if the wolf had eaten hi- okay that's ridiculous!

I tried to stop worrying, so climbed back into bed telling myself the same thing over and over-It was just a stupid dream...all in my head. Finally convincing myself that Ian was okay, I closed my eyes. 

Not even knowing myself why I cared so much for the boy, I kept glancing anxiously over at his bed. He wasn't back yet. It's not like we have said anything to eachother other than 'hey.' Or 'thanks.' Or something.

I fell asleep to the thought of Ian...not even realizing it myself. Maybe I'm falling for him without even knowing him! Love at first sight seemed pretty beautiful...in its own funny, bizarre way.

Werewolves Are Cute I Guess ~ IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now