The First of Many Feelings to Come

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Dedicated to:
kamui-Chan17 ,
Trivotegolucky995 ,
banannapalooza  ,
MlpShippingExpert ,
a_kawaii_author ,

For all the support and love they gave me while I was gone. I love you guys so much!!! I actually cried while reading your comments 😭😭

Thank you all again. I wish I could dedicate this chapter to everyone, sadly I cannot, so thanks to these guys up there ^

Chapter 17: The First Of Many Feelings To Come

Word Count: 971

Gods it feels good to be home.

My legs swing off the edge of the patio as I lean back, breathing in the crisp air that fall brings. This night is a lot like the night before Mikage left. The night Tomoe held me as we danced in the courtyard. My breath is a white puff of mist in the cool night. The others must be sleeping by now. Only tonight have I dared to venture outside past nightfall.

I missed the wind.

I lean my head back and close my eyes, taking in the cool breath of air that fills the area. The miasma has long been cleared by the return of the land god, the edges of the land over yonder pushed into the forest grounds and away from the bright light that surrounds the shrine, even at night.

The warm glow of red lanterns illuminates the lush garden, reflecting against the calm water of the koi pond, chasing away my nightmares.

If only Mikage were here...

I walk calmly to the center of the courtyard, letting my bare feet trace the smooth stone path until it fades into the ground, allowing my toes to nestle in the soft dirt. The moon shines like a beacon in the sky, the stars twinkling around it like jewels.

"We never got to finish our dance that night." His voice is low and soft behind me, and I know without turning that his face holds the same expression as mine.

"Why did Mikage leave us?" My voice cracks when I speak. Tomoe is silent. We've never talked about Mikage's departure. We've never talked about why he left, or what it means, mostly because neither of us have the answers.

"Mikage is a god of many colors. I'm not sure if anyone but himself knows why he does the things he does." He says. I smile to myself, wrapping my arms around myself as a soft breeze sends a chill down my spine. A gentle hand finds my shoulder, and Tomoe turns me to face him. I keep my eyes on his feet as he eases a hand behind my ear and through my hair until it rests on the back of my neck. My breath comes out in a sigh, and Tomoe titles my head so my eyes meet his.

His violet eyes shine in the warm light, and the pained look on his face smashes my insides to mush. I reach a hand out and grip his kimono, pulling myself closer to rest my forehead on his chest, letting his his embrace calm the part of my heart that beats for him.

"Tomoe?" My voice is soft, but the short breath that follows indicates that he heard.

"Hmm?" He relaxes, his chin resting on the top of my head.

"Is alright for me to feel this way?" My hands shake, and he instantly pulls me closer, wrapping his other arm around my waist.

"How much do you care for me, (y/n)?" My arms slide around his waist.

"Tomoe, I love you more than life itself." His hand glides along the length of my hair and a soft chuckle vibrates through his chest. My cheeks burn with a blush and I push him away, covering my face to hide my embarrassment. This only makes him laugh more.

"Don't make fun of me!" I pout, my back facing the dumb fox. A soft hand on my elbow. A light tug and then suddenly I'm facing him, and his lips are on mine.

I freeze in place for a moment before letting myself relax. The moment I do, he slips his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him, holding me like he never wants to let me go. I feel a tear slip down my eye before I let my arms snake around his neck.

He pulls away, looking down at me with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying, stupid fox?" I laugh as more tears fall out of my own eyes. We laugh together and embrace each other once more.

"What is going on here?!" The screeching voice springs us apart as we gaze up at a recently woken Nanami, a pillow in hand, hair sticking up, an angry blush covering her cheeks.

"I didn't want to do this.. but (y/n)" she turns to me, walking down the shrine steps and taking dangerous steps in my face. "Stay away from Tomoe! He's mine!" The words surprise me, but not more than the force of being knocked back 5 feet by the command.

Sacred word binding

"No! You can't do this!" Tomoe yells, attempting to run to my side only to hit an invisible barrier 5 feet from where I lie on the floor.

"While I am Land God, you will not come within five feet of each other." Tears fall from my eyes and I place my hand over my mouth to repress my sobs.

I just got him back, and now I can't even touch him

Nanami went back to the shrine without a word, and Tomoe spent the rest of the night fighting the barrier.

By morning he had exhausted himself, and we both lie on the ground, not knowing what else to do.

Wishing that Mikage was here.







❤️ Harleighkinz

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