The Nightmare

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I'm posting early because i'll be without a computer all weekend, and I didn't want to make you guys wait an extra 2 days. But as I recently reached 300 reads, I want to thank all of you guys, you have no idea how much it means to me that you continue to read my book :)


Chapter 10: The Nightmare

7 years later

Word Count: 965

"No one cares enough to stick around."

"Just get out of there while you still can." 

"Watch. Tomoe is going to leave you too." 

"60 years later and you're still all alone." 

"Tomoe hates you now."

"He never cared about you."

"He was only humoring Mikage." 

"He probably wishes you were dead."

The voices of my village, my parents, my brother, Mikage, all of them taunt me.

"I should have let you die." One final voice pipes in.

Tomoe's voice.

I jerk awake in my bed, sitting up immediately. I stand up and run out of my room, tears pooling in my eyes as I sprint to Mikage's room.

I skid to a halt in front of his door, knowing that he won't be in there, knowing there's no one who cares about my tears.

"Mikage?" I cry into my hands. "What do I do?"  I lean my back up against his door and slide all the way down, never feeling so alone.

I sit outside his room for a few minutes, holding my head in my hands and trying not to burst into a crying fit.

"Why are you awake?" Tomoe's cold tone makes me flinch. I keep my head down, hiding my tears behind my hair.

"Why are you just sitting outside Mikage's room, go back to sleep already." His annoyance sends anger through my veins at his attitude. I keep my head down as I stand, walking back to my room.

"Is there a reason you were sitting outside Mikage's door or were you just trying to be annoying?" He asks as I begin walking away. I turn, my arm following my movement, my hand smacking him across his face.

"Get over yourself Tomoe." I say, spitting out my anger. His eyes are wide as his fingers touch his cheek where my nail scratched him. His eyes harden as he sees the blood on his fingers.

"What the hell was that for?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"What, did you expect me to sit here and take it like I have been for the past 8 years?" I scream at him, tired of hiding my pain while Tomoe flaunts his openly.

"I get it, Tomoe, you're hurting! Well guess what, I am too, and you're an idiot if you think otherwise! I've taken your shit for 8 years, pushing it down, pretending like it didn't bother me, but you know what? It does! I have nightmares about it every night! My brother and Mikage, and now you, all telling me that I'm alone, even though you're right in front of me, Tomoe!" Tears are falling down my cheeks at this point.

"What happened to the Tomoe that danced with me? What happened to the Tomoe that braided my hair, and ran around the shrine with me? What happened to the Tomoe who accepted me? What happened to the Tomoe who acted like I meant something to him?" I scream at the top of my lungs, my vision blurred by tears. I turn around, ready to walk back to my room.

"I don't know why I try, you probably don't care about anything I'm saying anyways." I say, wiping my eyes on my sleeves.

"Goodnight, Tomoe." I say, taking two steps before he grabs my hand and turns me back towards him. His eyes are downcast as he looks at the floor, his hand gripping mine firmly.

"Tomoe, I'm tired, I don't want to argue anymore. I just want to try and get so-"

"I'm sorry." He looks up with me with sad eyes, and I scoff, ripping my hand from his grasp.

"I don't want your pity, Tomoe." I say. He rolls his eyes, grabbing my hand again and pulling me to him, wrapping his arms around my smaller frame. My eyes widen as he pulls me close, leaning down to rest his forehead on the skin where my shoulder and neck meet.

"It's not pity." He says softly, his arms holding me tight.

And its at that moment, when I finally let him in.

My muscles relax, and I wrap my arms tightly around his neck, burring my face in his chest, letting the tears slide down my cheeks in waves.

"I missed you so much." I say softly, never wanting to let him go. His skin is warm and his arms that surround me are strong.

He pulls me by the hand, leading me into his room. I follow with out a word, knowing that he needs me just as much as I need him.

We walk into his room, and I slide the door shut behind us.

I look up at him, and in the square of moonlight that enters the window, I see a single tear roll down his cheek. My heart softens as I reach up and wipe it with my thumb, resting my hand on his face and rubbing my thumb back and forth on his cheek.

With both of us shedding tears, we lay together in Tomoe's room, arms wrapped around each other.

My sleep is filled not with nightmares, but with a bliss like I have never known before. The feeling of something warm and strong holding me even in my sleep.

I love him



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