Chapter 39 / In Session.

Start from the beginning

I decided to call someone else and it's been a long time since I've spoken to her or maybe a week or two. In my opinion that was long, it's just how did I not know Blake was just going to up and leave again? The line was calling and in just about three seconds she answered the phone, I could feel my breathing hitch just from the thought of talking to her again.

"Lydia," I breathed.

"Olive? You sound distant, what's wrong? Wait, where have you been?" She asked immediately and I heard something dropped in the background like a spoon or something.

"Y-yeah . . . I'm fine," I felt a tear fall down the side of my left cheek and I quickly wiped it away. "I was wondering if you could come over before nine, I have some explaining to do," I mumbled while my voice cracked.

"I'll be there in ten minutes," She reassured me.

"Oh, and dress decently please," I reminded her considering I was going to take her to court with me. She hung up the phone and was immediately on her way over which she sounded like a rush over the line. I heard another knock at my door while I laid on my bed and sat up to see who it was, Pierre smiled lightly and laid on the bed with me while his head was next to mine. We stared at the ceiling in silence and finally, he broke the silence.

"Olive," He started, "I know you say you would be fine when Dustin gets pulled off the plug but I know you . . . In fact, anyone who's going through this won't be fine so why don't you just cry it out? I'm here for you," He looked at me while I continued to stare at the ceiling.

I didn't respond, I just laid there feeling numb on how I dreaded this day. Pierre wasn't wrong though, I mean how could anyone be okay with pulling their brother off the plug. How could my mother tamper with his will and just ignore his state of mind, I mean we wouldn't be here in the first place if we just did it the moment it happened. Everything happened in an instant, before it was just my brother and myself, just maybe if I stayed in the car none of this would have happened and it's all my fault.

I felt the weight of the world on me and now I was just living in a nightmare, but I have to face it again. "I know I won't be fine but I'm hanging in there, you know?" I scoffed a slight laugh while my breath quivered.

The doorbell soon rang throughout the house and I immediately jumped up to go see to it. I mean of course I already knew how it was but it was nice knowing I have that bottom support for comfort. As I opened the door I was embraced with a quick hug and I could feel Nova and Pierre looking at both of us with different opinions. I didn't bother to say anything though I told Lydia to follow me to my room which she did while the other two stayed outside.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" She started to ask the questions hastily but I put my hand up wanting her to let me explain.

I took a giant breath and averted my eyes away from making any eye contact with her, I started to explain slowly but surely. She didn't really say anything as we sat on my bed, her focus landed on my face, I could feel it but I didn't say anything besides explaining the situation. I started by having a twin bother being hospitalized, parents tampering with his will, and then going to court to fight for his rights.

"So that's why you left?" She questioned in her voice.

"I left so I could find myself a lawyer from my friend Pierre because his lawyers never cease to fail cases. I, um, also left to get away from everything in New York . . ." I mumbled while playing with my fingers and perking my lips to the side.

"When you mean get away from everything do you mean before or after I slapped Blake?" She laughed.

"All of it," I interfered quickly but she just slowly nodded her head understand while her lips perked to the side as well.

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