Chapter 2

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No One's POV

Connor sat in the passengers seat, watching the car zoom past trees and buildings. He was tuning out the adoption centre worker who was lecturing him. "Caroline are you even listening?" The worker asked. Connor didn't respond. The worker growled in annoyance, but stopped trying to talk to Connor. Eventually they drove up to a tall building. "Welcome to your home for the next 3 years unless you start acting normal." Connor hopped out of the car, still ignoring the worker. He grabbed the small amount of luggage he had and walked to the door of the building. He walked in and slammed the door when the worker tried to follow him. He locked the door behind him. With a sigh he sat down and promptly started crying. "There's nothing wrong with me... I'm a boy... I'm a boy... I'm a boy.." He muttered. "So you caused the loud bang, huh?" A voice said. Connor looked up to see a boy with medium length black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. The boy was wearing a black mcr shirt and some black ripped jeans. Connor blushed in embarrassment. "Uh.. yea... Sorry... I guess I forgot there'd be other people here, heh.." He said quietly. The boy laughed, then extended a hand out to Connor. Connor took it and the boy helped him up. "The names Lucifer. You?" The boy - Lucifer said. "I'm... Ca... Connor." Connor said. Lucifer smiled reassuringly. "I'm guessing you're trans, seeing as you were just saying 'I'm a boy' over and over." Lucifer said. Connor nodded. "Cool, Luka and Faith are both trans as well, and I guess Sam and Andi count as trans as well because they're both nonbinary." Lucifer said as he began leading Connor through the house, supposedly to where the other kids were. Connor felt happy. He already knew he'd be accepted by these kids. "Oh, and a word of caution, some of us are... weird, so... uh, be prepared for that.." Lucifer said, looking at Connor with an awkward grin on his face. "So.... how many other kids will there be." Connor asked. "Let me think... There's me, Andi who worships satan," Connor's eyes widened. "There's Luka who is really angry, there's... OH YEA THERE'S THE TWINS, they wear masks and rarely speak because of this 'Harble Mornets' thing they watch. There's the 'Moms', Olivia and Faith, there's Sam, Danny the furry, Abigail the animal killer, Danny's scared of her, heh." "She kills animals?" Connor asked in surprise. "Yea, and she's 6 years old, crazy child. There's also Emilia, and now you!" Lucifer said with a grin. He pulled open a door and spread his arms as he walked in. "What was the bang?" A person with short black hair and striking yellow eyes asked. "New kid." Lucifer said with a grin as he pointed to Connor. Connor waved awkwardly, with a small smile on his face. "Nice to meet you... I'm Connor." He said. "Well, I'm Andi." Andi said. "That's Luka," Andi said, pointing to a boy with short black hair and grey eyes. "The gays in the corner are Faith," They pointed to the girl with vibrant red hair, "And that's Olivia." Andi pointed to a dark-skinned girl with short bleached blonde hair. "The teen sitting with the actual infants is Sam and the actual infants are Abigail and Emilia." Andi said, pointing to each kid in turn. "Over there are the twins, and here," Andi pointed to the guy across from them who appeared to be playing cards with them. "Is Danny, the resident furry." Danny waved at Connor with a small smile. Connor smiled back at him. "Well, I should show you to your room, shouldn't I." Lucifer said, slightly jealous. Connor nodded at Lucifer. "Uhh, you'll be sharing a room with me, is that okay?" Lucifer asked. Connor smiled at him and nodded. "Okay good. Here is our room." Lucifer led Connor into a room with 2 beds. One bed was empty and still made while the other had clothes and a laptop on it. Connor jumped onto his bed happily and lay down, staring at the ceiling. "I'll be honest, I thought living here would suck, but I get the feeling that with you... all of you, it won't suck in the slightest." Connor said with a smile. Lucifer blushed. "Heh.. yea." He said. "I'll let you get settled. Call me if you need anything." Lucifer said as he left the room. Connor nodded, then sighed and stared at the ceiling again. Maybe not being adopted wouldn't be so bad.

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