"Can I fix this?" - Calum Hood

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When you heard, what happened everything stopped. Your world stopped spinning and you couldn't breathe. Tears wouldn't stop falling as you felt your heart shatter in a thousand pieces.

This wasn't supposed to happen – you thought to yourself. Out of everyone, you trusted him the most and he threw that away.

Then, a hot flash of anger erupted, you deleted every picture of the two of you on your phone, blocked him on all social media and packed your things. You sat on the couch with your bags next you, awaiting Calum's arrival to your shared apartment. You knew that he knew you had found out. It was all over Twitter after all, how could you not know. His excuse would probably be pathetic. You'd already made up your mind that you were done and weren't going to look back.

The door opened and a guilty looking Calum enters the room. You stand up to face him and notice his eyes frantically looking at the packed bags by your feet.

"Can I fix this?"

"There's nothing to fix." You reply coldly.

"Please don't say that" he pleads.

"I'm serious Calum. I'm done with this, with you." He walks up to you and grabs your hands.

"Don't leave, I love you. Please let me try to fix this." You laugh and rip your hands away from his, feeling nothing but the pain and anger he caused.

You grab your bags, pushed passed you now ex-boyfriend and walked to the door.

"Don't you dare try contacting me." You opened the door and walked right out of your shared apartment and out of Calum's life.

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