Chapter 1: My Dad's Final Decision

Start from the beginning

I cannot bring myself to wink at the officer's goodbye, as I am too crestfallen to be in a playful mood. I have really done it this time. Pushing through the heavy glass doors of the station, letting a flood of bright, fluorescent light illuminate the darkened car park, I spot my dad's SUV waiting for me in the corner, with the engine humming. Begrudgingly, I leisurely make my way over to the car. The conversation we will indubitably be having is weighing heavily on my mind. Dad seems more serious, grave even this time, whereas other times when I have been in trouble he has been annoyed, but then forgot about it after a few days.

"This has to stop." Dad murmurs once I have gently closed the car door.

"I'm sorry daddy, I understand that-."

"You understand what? That I have had enough of your wild behaviour?" He chuckles without any trace of humour.

"What wild behaviour?" I pout.

"Phoebe, I have three examples just off the top of my head! You have been drinking with your friends – underage may I add, stealing, getting detentions and not attending them, and let us not forget that this is your second time in a jail cell. You are heading down the same road as Tammy!" He explodes.

Oh yeah. That wild behaviour. Goddamn, I did not think he was counting!

"That's four examples though daddy, you said you would only choose three." I try to point out helpfully.

"...Exactly! That is even worse." He explodes. "Nevertheless, this is the last straw Phoebe. You are going to live with Tammy in Wyoming to finish your senior year."

"What! Please dad, no! I am half way through senior year! I cannot move states now! What about my friends? And my life? And you – you'll be all alone!" I gasp.

"This has been going on for too long Phoebe. I hardly know who you are anymore. You are going to live with you sister, and that is final. Maybe then you will learn to be mature and act your age, instead of doing stupid things. Remember what happened to Tammy? Do you want that to happen to you? Look at her now, she has all settled down in her new life and acting like an adult. If you stay with her for a while, then maybe you'll learn from her example. And I will be fine. I have my friends, and Bella who lives near by."

"But dad! I can't leave! Why would you do this? I am staying here with you, that's what's final." I huff, switching my view to look out the window.

I guess staying with Tammy would not be so bad... Tammy and I have always been close, and shared the same interests, but I have a great life here. I do not want to uproot everything just because I did a few stupid things, as I was bored! Tammy is my elder half sister, and she has always looked after me growing up. She and Bella, my other half-sister, became my mum when my real one could not be there. When Tammy was seventeen, and I was ten, her douchebag older ex-boyfriend attacked her, but fortunately I was in the house, so I came down to see why there was screaming. I was so angry and upset that Tammy was crying, bleeding out on our kitchen floor, that I attacked the little shit, ripping a chunk of skin out his shoulder and giving him permanent memory loss. Whoops, I guess. Anyway, that is how Tammy found out I am not strictly human.

Luckily, instead of being terrified, she was understanding and thankful that I saved her from the pig. However, I guess that that had something to do with my mother's ghostly form appearing in our kitchen, relaxing her mind and explaining my genetics to her. We explained to the police that I hit the abuser around the head with a saucepan, and have sharp teeth, but in reality, I did something a lot worse. It was all written down as self-defence, and that chapter was closed, but it really scarred Tammy who wanted a fresh start away from the reputation of being the 'girl who was beat by her boyfriend'. As a result, Tammy went to college in Wyoming, and has settled down there in a small town ever since. Recently she started dating again, but as I have not seen her in about a year I have not met him yet. I guess it will be good to break this one in, making sure he is worthy of my Tammy.

Tammy met her ex at a teen party, and used to have had quite the reputation. She was known as the popular slut, who was down for anything, anywhere. She got drunk, did drugs, slept around and did all of that shocking, yet self-degrading stuff. It led her down a decaying path, and ended with her getting involved with a disgusting woman-beater. I guess that is what dad is worried about; he thinks something equally as bad or worse will happen to me. However, if anyone tried anything funny on me, I would simply snap their fingers off and make sure they were never able to conceive children.

Coming out of my thoughts, I look up to realise that we are pulling into the drive of our modest home. We live in a typical American villa, in a private golf course with a swimming pool out the back, and pretty landscaped gardens. The boarding is the colour of rolling storm clouds, with many windows encased by charcoal grey shutters and a two-car garage perched on the side. It has four bedrooms, but we only use two of them now. I have lived in this house ever since I was three years old. Apart from holidays over the years, I have never ventured into different residences. Maybe it would be nice to have a change of scenery... to mix things up a little bit... who knows, maybe I will find my true love, my other half, the one who will smooth over the hole in my heart.

But do not get me wrong. I am a bitch when I'm annoyed. I love adding drama to everyone's lives, and I never forget when someone upsets me. Forgive, but do not forget to protect your heart is what I say. You never know when you will need some dirt on someone. Therefore, as soon as the car becomes stationary, I huff, and make an exaggerated exit, slamming the car door and every other door in the house up to my bedroom. I then lock myself in, and promptly start packing, ignoring my dad's calls for reconciliation.

Wyoming... you had better get ready for me.


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