Chapter 3 [Part 1]

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"Chris, are you okay?" Melissa asked. She saw him standing there staring at the floor doing nothing.

"Yeah. Sorry, I was just...thinking." He said, getting out of his thoughts.

"What was the call about?" Chyler asked curiously. He seemed pretty worried.
"The hotel I was going to stay in... it's flooded, so I don't know where I'm going to stay..." He said, sitting down. "Don't worry! I know a few hotels-" Chyler said, being interrupted by Melissa, once again.

"You could stay here. There's an extra room." Melissa said, barely smiling. She had quickly explored the huge house before they had started eating.

"Are you sure? Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate it, but I don't want to invade your personal space or anything." He said, sincerely. "Yeah, I'm sure. You won't invade my personal space at all. And it will be nice to have some company too." She said, as she gave him a small, but truthful smile.

Chris didn't say anything. He just smiled and nodded as a thank you. Melissa stood up and placed the paper where the burger was wrapped, in the trash can.

"Guys, I'm extremely tired, so I'm going to take a nap. Chris, my room is upstairs and your room is in this floor. If you want to start settling in, don't hold back because of me. Also If you need anything just wake me up." Said Melissa, as she turned around and began her way upstairs.

As soon as Chyler saw Melissa was completely gone she looked at Chris with a worried expression.

"I know we just met, but please, take care of her. I've never seen her this sad. It's like her soul has left her body. Please promise me that. I don't know what she's capable of doing. Don't let her do stuff the normal her wouldn't do." Said Chyler. Chris thought about what Chyler had just said. What were the things that Melissa wouldn't normally do?

"She's in good hands. Don't worry. I'll take care of her, I promise." Chris said. He was being honest. He assumed the stuff she wouldn't normally do were stuff like drugs, drink too much alcohol and stuff like that. And he wasn't going to let her do that. He was going to take care of her. No matter what.

Chyler knew Chris was a good guy since the moment they met. That's why she was letting him in charge of Melissa. She wouldn't let a random person take care of her best friend. Her sister. But Chris was nice, and caring, and thoughtful, and Chyler knew that. He seemed like the perfect person to cheer Melissa up, because he was also funny.

The day went passing by quickly. Melissa had stayed in her room sleeping and watching TV, and Chris played with the dogs and went to the store to buy toilet paper and boring errands. He also bought a bag of Doritos, because in the moment he saw them, he couldn't resist. So he bought the Doritos. Doritos were his kryptonite. He LOVED Doritos. So when he got to Melissa's house, he just ate the whole bag by himself. He didn't even give the dogs! He just enjoyed his Doritos, while lying on the couch, while watching Supergirl.

The next day had finally come. Chyler didn't want to pressure Melissa, so she didn't even ask her if she could help getting everything ready. Jeremy, Mehcad and David were buying the drinks. Some of the producers and the new cast were buying the chips and stuff like that. And Chris and Chyler were getting everything ready.

It was 4:46 pm when Melissa woke up. She couldn't sleep the night before. She read some chapters of her book, she saw TV and nothing helped her fall asleep. She kept thinking about him and his stupid ass excuses. It was until 7:56 am when she finally fell asleep.

She walked down the stairs, still in her pajamas, when she saw all of her friends had arrived. The producers, the writers and the new cast (except Chris) hadn't arrived yet. The party wasn't until 8:00. but everyone wanted to catch up and talk about their vacations and stuff.

"Uhh, hey guys." Melissa said, before she yawned. Everyone looked at her and greeted her.

"Why are you still wearing your pajamas? Or is that like a new fashion around here?" Mehcad joked. "I... just woke up. I stayed up late last night." She responded, with a small smile.

"May I ask why?" David asked, smiling. "There were just too many things in my mind. But I'm fine. Don't worry." She said looking at the floor.

"You can tell us anything. We're here for you." Jeremy said, giving her a hug. They had a feeling that something bad had happened. Melissa was going to tell them. But until she was ready.

"Yeah. Thanks guys. I love you." Said Melissa. She gave Jeremy another hug and decided she was going to stay in her pajamas. Chris quickly went to his room and changed into his pajamas too. It was a penguin onesie. While Melissa's were light grey leggings and a white shirt with a unicorn on it.

"Look Mel. You're not the only one in your pajamas..." Mehcad said, as he pointed at Chris. "It's the new fashion..." Chris said, smiling and looking directly into Melissa's eyes.

"Oh my God. You didn't have to do that!" Melissa said, as she laughed. The first real laugh since she found out about Blake.

"You know what guys, next party we should all wear our pajamas!" Chris said. He had succeeded in making Melissa laugh. He knew he looked ridiculous in that onesie but it was worth it if it made Melissa happy.

Everyone nodded and cheered at Chris's idea. It would be so fun.

The rest of the evening went by, and everyone had already arrived. The new cast had introduced themselves. Floriana Lima, Katie McGrath, and a few others. Everyone seemed to like them. They were really nice. Just like everyone else.

At 9:00 pm people were already getting hungry so they ordered lots of pizzas so everyone could eat. It was a big party. Cast & Crew only. But there was a lot of people in the cast & crew.

There were people everywhere. Sitting on the floor, people in the backyard, people at the kitchen, people sitting on the couch. Everywhere. They were all eating pizza. And some of them were already drinking.

Jeremy, Mehcad, David, Chyler, Floriana, Katie, Chris, and Melissa were all sitting on the floor. They were sharing a good laugh. Suddenly, David stood up, and cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him.

"A toast. For all the cast and crew!" He said loudly. Everyone repeated after him and took a sip of their drinks.

He sat down and everyone kept talking. Chris saw Melissa was having a good time. She caught him staring a few times. He was just happy she was happy. She was not 100% happy but at least she was smiling. Thank God she wasn't thinking about what had happened the day before.

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen for another beer, does anyone want something?" Chris said as he stood up. Melissa looked at him and stood up as well.

"I'll go with you." She said, as she gave him a small smile. "Chris could you bring me a beer please?" Chyler asked. Chris nodded and they both headed to the kitchen.

"So, are you having a nice time...?" Chris asked, as he opened the fridge and grabbed two beers.

"Yeah... it's nice being with friends. They cheer me up..." Melissa said, smiling sincerely. "Thanks for wearing your pajamas. So I wouldn't be the only one. You look...really cute." She said, still smiling. Her voice was quiet but he understood every word that she said perfectly.

"Thanks. You look really cute too." He said, looking right into her eyes.

Suddenly, a notification popping on her phone interrupted them. She was holding her phone in one hand, so she turned it on and saw the notification. She opened her phone and saw something that made her remember the bastard that broke her heart. She quickly left her phone on the kitchen counter and ran upstairs. She locked herself in the bathroom.

Chris went running after her, but he was too late. The door was already locked.


A/N: You guys better get used to cliffhangers because I love them hehe. I already have planned the rest of the party but I decided to split the chapter into two parts... again 💀
I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments!
(The picture at the beginning of the chapter shows Chris's onesie and Melissa's pajama shirt)


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