f i f t e e n

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I'm going to be writing a new book called japan, its going to be about Reggie! If you havent noticed my Riverdale books are going to be named after places around the world and they will be acronyms like this one. If you haven't noticed, "italy" stood for "i trust and love you" which Ms. Mollie said to Kathryn. I hope you guys like this book so far, I'll be ending this book THIS CHAPTER!!!!  dont freak out ill be making a sequel to this when season 3 comes out or after my upcoming book. My book about Reggie won't begin until after season 3 comes out.
EDIT: i will be writing the sequel to this book before 'japan' thanks yall love you -11/28/18


I was so frustrated with Sweet Pea, when I got home I immediately got into my car and drove off. I ended up back in Greendale in front of the bus station. Angry, I slammed my hands on my steering wheel and groaned.

Sweet Pea gets on my nerves all the time. One day he can adore me, but the next he absolutely hates me. I'm so tired of him and his bullshit. I've liked him for years but, recently his attitude is changing my mind. I should've expected this from him, considering he's so stubborn and hard headed. I leaned back into my chair and started to think more about what I should do.


"Are fucking kidding me Sweet Pea?" I said sternly.

"Fangs... Calm down.." Toni muttered.

"No! You have to be so fucking inconsiderate to call my sister a liar! So what if she lied to us about being another person! At least she's alive. How can you be so fucking smug about her being 'untrustworthy?!' You are so fucking bipolar with you feelings!" I yelled. "One day you fucking adore my sister, the next you act as if she—the next you act like she's Marci again!"

"Fuck you Fangs! You don't unders—" I cut Sweet Pea off before he could continue.

"What don't I understand, huh? My sister hid herself to make sure I was happy, my sister had the biggest crush on you, she beat up ghoulies for us, she got them arrested, hell, she almost died in a damn car accident. And you, you bullied her, you called her a liar, you think she cheated on you? Kathryn loves you, bro! Why can't you just see past the negatives?" I stated.

"He's right, Kathryn really liked you, and you're just breaking her heart," Toni stated.

"Hey Toni," Cheryl walked up to us before we could rip each other's throats out. "Boys." She said unenthusiastically.

"Hey," Toni smiled at Cheryl, then darted her eyes at me.

"I sense tension, spill," Cheryl says sitting next to Toni.

"Sweet Pea is being an asshole to Kathryn," I say, crossing my arms.

"Kathryn?" Cheryl questions. "Wait, you mean that girl who played as Marci."

I nod and Cheryl lays back in her seat.

"Why the anger Sweet Pea?" She says.

"She's—" He cuts himself off. "I—I messed up. I called her a liar and got angry for no particular reason. Jealousy came over me when I saw Vince put his arm around her. She said it was nothing and it really was. I'm just—I can't think properly around her. I can love her one day, then the next I can rip her heart into pieces. I don't deserve her if I'm being brutally honest."

"You don't deserve me Sweet Pea," We heard. We turned around and found Kathryn standing before us. "I can't say that you made me the happiest girl in the world but, you did make this past two months as the real Kathryn better than expected. Yeah, there's a couple ups and downs but, it was enjoyable... Sweet Pea, I love you and all nevertheless, you caused me so much emotional pain. After screaming at me for my identity, calling me a liar, and not trusting me, I cam eto a conclusion that, you bring me more harm than love, Sweets."

Kathryn takes a step towards us and takes a deep breath.

"If I love something, I have to let it go. So, Sweet Pea, I want to just be friends. I hope that our friendship is better than our relationship," She states. "And always remember that, I trust and love you, Sweet Pea."

Before we could say anything, we heard a truck drive by us. I observed it as Kathryn and Sweet Pea talked. The driver of the car stops and pulls out a gun. I freeze as I watch him point the gun at us.

"Everyone down!" I yelled.

I ducked down as gunshots were shot. Bullets flying over my head and everyone in a large panic. When he stopped and drove away, I quickly took a picture of his license plate. I looked around and Kathryn was frozen in place.

"Kat?" I say walking towards her. She doesn't move. I look down at her stomach and blood begins to ooze out. "Kat!" She stumbles back and I catch her before she falls on the ground. Sweet Pea and Toni rush to put pressure on the gun wound while Cheryl called 911.

"Please Kat, not you too..." I heard Sweet Pea say. "I'm gonna kill whoever did this to you..."


We waited on Kathryn after rushing her to the hospital. I gripped Cheryl's hand as we waited for a response from the doctors. Sweet Pea was seated and Fangs was pacing back and forth, they hadn't said a word to each other since she arrived at the quarry.

"I have— I told the police the license plate of the car," Fangs says, stopping in his place. "ABBY417."

"Abby?" I say. "You don't think it's Abby as Kat's foster family?"

"That's her dad's car, it's Abby then her birthday," Cheryl says. We look at her as if she were crazy. "Sorry Abby's dad would drop me off from archery practice as a little girl."

As she finished her sentence, a surgeon came out those double doors. He takes off his mask and looks at all of us. "You all here for Kathryn Fogarty?" She says. We all nod and waited for a response. The surgeon took a deep breath. "She's okay, just unconscious. She won't wake up for a while. One thing I'd also add is, she was shot in her head. It hit her brain but, not close to any serious damage. We'll have to wait and see how she is doing when she wakes up."

"Or if she wakes up..." Sweet Pea mumbles. He puts his head in his hands.


YOU MADE IT TO THE END! of book 1, i will make a new book, a sequel, after a while. but i want some feedback on this story, i quite enjoyed writing it and having so many people enjoy reading it! you guys are awesome and i cant wait to see what you guys think of the sequel so, follow me if you want to be updated on the progress and so you get notified when it will be up! and dont forget to vote! love ya!

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