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"I've hid this for years! If it comes out now, what was the point of hiding it!" I screamed.

"Marci!" I heard. Sweet Pea and Abel had appeared behind Betty.

"You want to know where Kathryn is?!" I yelled. I grabbed a ring out of my pocket and threw it at Sweet Pea. "Take it! I'm sick and tired of everything!"

I turn around and run into Evergreen park and then into Greendale. I end up at a train station and buy a ticket to Seattle. My eyes were puffy, and I felt like I was going insane. I boarded onto the train and sat down in an open set of stairs. I stared at the floor as the train started.


Sweet Pea picks up the ring and examined the ring. "This-this is Kathryn's," He says. "How did she, how does she know about Kathryn?"

I looked over at Betty and then at the ground. "What the hell is going on!" We heard. We turned around and found Jughead with some serpents.

"Fangs?" Sweet Pea says. "You're alive?"

"FP said you died!" Abel says.

"They lied to FP. After you left and he came in, I fainted. What's going on?" Fangs says.

"Marci just threw this ring at us," I say, grabbing the ring from Sweet Pea.

"Why the hell does she have this?" Fangs says grabbing the ring. "Where the hell did she go?"

Eight years ago

I waited on the couch in Ms. Mollie's couch for her. She came in with a little girl who held onto a bunny. She looked like me. I got down and walked towards her. She hid behind Ms. Mollie's legs once I got closer.

I giggled and ran back to the couch to get my teddy bear. "Look! I have my animal too!" I say running back to her. I held out the bear to her. "His name is Tubby!"

She giggled and walked closer to me. "This is my bunny," She said softly. "Her name is Hops."

"Sweetheart, introduce yourself," Ms. Mollie says to the girl.

"My name is Marcilene," She smile. "What's yours?"

"Kathryn," I smiled back. "Come on let's go play with Sparky and Mrs. Norris!"

She nods and we both run upstairs. We run upstairs and we sat down on my bed with Ms. Mollie's cat and dog.


I arrived in Seattle and got into a taxi to a library. Once I got there, I looked around for someone. I walked up to the counter and decided to ask for help.

"Is Kathryn Fogarty working today?" I ask.

"She quit but she's here, check the science section," the librarian said.

I walked to the science aisles and found her sitting on the floor. I tapped her shoulder, scaring her a bit. She smiled and gave me a hug. She then gave me a worried look.

"What are you doing here, Kat?" She says. "Shouldn't you be in Riverdale?"

"Marci, that's the thing. I can't go back as you," I say. "We've been hiding this for what, eight years?"

"Yea, ever since we switched the only person who knows the truth is Ms. Mollie," She chuckles.

"Please come with me to Riverdale, I want to clear the air because my brother just died..." I say.

"Fangs?" She asks.

I nod and she wraps her arms around me. "I'm ready to be Marcilene again," She said.

"Marci or Marcilene?" I chuckled. She pushed my head and headed for the exit.

"You get the idea dummy," She said.


Hours later of searching we landed back in Evergreen Park.

"Why did Marci have this?" I say.

"She knows where Kathryn is," Archie says.

"Yea, I do know where she is," Marci says. We all looked over and Marci was with another girl.

"Kathryn?" I asked.

"I'm not Kathryn," The other girl says. "I'm Marcilene De La Cruz."

"And I'm Kathryn Fogarty," Marci says.

"Stop lying!" Sweet Pea yells stepping towards her.

"I placed the switchblade in the grass, I had the ring, oh and Abel, that rose ring was from Ms. Mollie. You guys visited the drug store with Señor Martín," She replies.

"Kathryn..." I step out to see her.

"Fangs— you were-" She studders.

"Prove to me you're my sister," I say to 'Marci.'

"I have the same birth mark as you on my wrist," She says. She shows me her wrist and I compared it to mine. I gave her a big hug as everyone else was processing.

"Can someone explain what the hell just happened?" Betty says.

"I'll explain!" The other girl smiled.

"Kathryn and I were in the same foster home, Ms. Mollie's. We looked quite similar and so when we were little we decided, Kathryn plays me and I play as her. It was because Kathryn told me her story about being hated and I told her about my parent abandoning me. It was my idea so we could each have a new start. I lived in Seattle as Kathryn and she lived here as me, Marci," She says.

"Now that you mentioned it, you two do look alike," I laugh.

I turned to Sweet Pea who wasn't saying a word. He wasn't himself.

"You okay Sweets?" Kathryn says.

"No, I'm not. I'm glad to know you're okay but you lied to all of us when we were looking," He says.

"You said horrid things to me when I was Marci," She retaliated.

"Guys, don't fight," I say.

"You hid for years! You lied to all of us! You made me suffer from thinking you died!" He screamed. "I never want to see you again!"

"Sweet Pea!" Jughead calls.

We all started to calm Sweet Pea down but Kathryn wasn't having it.

"Consider it done Sweets," She says. She gives me one final hug and she and Marci turn around. They head towards the Greendale.


Marci and I walked to Greendale to Ms. Mollie's house. I wanted a clear mind so I wanted to see her again. We stopped by Señor Martín to get a drink and to say hi. We got to her house and knocked.

"My girls!" Ms. Mollie smiled and gave us the biggest hug. "Come in! I made your guys' favorite."

We sat down and Ms. Mollie got us plates of spaghetti. We all ate and catched up with our lives.

"Where's Sparky and Mrs. Norris," I ask.

"Whistle, Sparky is in the backyard," Ms. Mollie said.

I whistled and a big dog came into the house. I got up and put my dishes in the sink and went to go see Sparky. "You got so big!" I say. Mrs. Norris came up behind me and started purring.

After a while, Marci and I went upstairs and found our old stuffed animals. I laid back on the bed and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong Kat?" Marci says.

"I've hid this for years, and ever since high school I fell in love with Sweet Pea," I say. "What hurts the most is that he said he loved me as Kathryn but hated me as Marci. I knew I could never reveal myself without hurting him and me."

yes kathryn was marci. they switched places as kids ;)

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