2 Nights

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The car stopped at the Police department.
Connor opened the car door and let you out. Grumbling you followed Lieutenant Anderson into the Department followed by Connor.
You looked around as you walked through the door.
A couple of people were there or were about to leave.
You came to the Lieutenant's desk and he checked the Computer.
Connor stood next to you.
"What's your Number...?" Hank asked. "RK700" you mumbled and looked over to a guy who stomped through the door of the Boss & walked past you.
He slowed down and looked to you.
"Dafuc are you looking at..." you snapped and growled.
The guy flinched and glared at you. "What did you say you lil..." he already came towards you but Connor made a step and suddenly stood infront of you blocking his way.
"I am sorry Detective Reed but The Lieutenant is taking care of this Deviant".
"A deviant huh... tch" "Detective Reed! In my office!" The boss yelled and he turned around groaning. You looked after him and then looked over to Connor who stepped away. "Who is this guy..." "Detective Gavin Reed..." Hank answered and typed something and looked over to you. "So. It's really you. We have to bring you back to Cyberlife..." "w-wait! No! You CAN'T! I left for a reason ! They will deactivate me !" "I'm sorry kid... but that's the Order..." "why can't I work here?! I am supposed to be a Detective too!" "But.. you're too young" Connor added.
Hank sighed "His Profile says that he is supossed to work undercover. Basically you could but you're a deviant" "isn't that even better?! I am not like this thing!" You looked to Connor "I interact more normal with humans!".
Hank looked over to you and sighed.
"You have a point..." he got up and walked over to the office to his Boss.
You looked to Connor who looked around. You watched Detective Reed leaving the office to his table. "Fuck..." he cursed took his cup and left to make himself Coffee.

Hank came back "So... my boss is calling Kamski... to ask if you could stay and start working here for a few month to help us slove this Case... We have" "really?!" You sat straight up. "You will get a partner... and might even stay at his or her place as long as you don't have one".
The boss knocked at the window to get Hanks attention and nodded.
"You got a job kid..." Hank sighed.
"YES!". "Who's going to be his partner?" Connor asked.
Hank searched "Now since hes logged in the system....ohh..." You flinched.
"Partner : Gavin Reed & his android RK900" Hank said.
"WHAT... this...ugh.." You dropped your shoulders and leaned against the chair.
Connor removed the Handcuffs and looked at Reed who came towards the desk.
"YOU'RE MY PARTNER?!?" "Trust me i am also not really amused..." you grumbled.
"Great now I have an dumb Android and a Deviant..." Reed groaned.
"Youre not staying at my place... You will be at my desk 07:00 am heard me...?" He said and crossed his arms.
"And where am I supposed to stay?!?" "Not my problem... deviant.." he snapped and turned around a left the Department.
"....." You glared after him and looked down.
Connor nudged Hanks shoulder "I Suggest that RK700 could stay at your place Lieutenant. He might get damaged...by the rain..." Connor looked to the window. Outside it was raining pretty hard.

Hank sighed and got up. "2 nights..." he said and walked to the Exit.
You flinched and smiled a bit. You looked up to Connor "Thanks..." You followed him after Hank.
You 3 hurried to the Car but still got pretty soaked.
Hank started the car and started driving.
"What if RK700 has no place to sleep after 2 days?" "We will see..." Hank said and drove faster.
You stood on the back seat and analysed a couple of stuff to test it out.

After a while you stopped by a house.
"Alright..." he opened the door and you also got out. Connor waited a moment and then also got out and you three walked to the door inside as Hank opened the door.
You followed Connor a bit unsure.
"Hank... It seems like he's a bit Shy..." "i-i am just a bit... let's say.. nervous" you mumbled.
"Don't be. Make yourself comfortable..." Hank mumbled as he opened the fridge to get something to eat.
"Connor! Make him a bed or something... on the sofa..." he also added.
"Understood" Connor nodded and left in the Livingroom.
A bit awkward you stood there and watched him walking up and down the rooms.
"So... That's how I was supposed to be.... an... obedient Object?" "I guess... if you take it like that..." Hank mumbled through a piece of bread in his mouth.
Connor stood in the door way and looked into the kitchen were you stood.
Slowly you walked towards him , he made space so you could walk in and sat down on the Bed Sofa. "I dont know if you need sleep or something... but safety first!" Hank said. "It's okay! Thank You!" You said and took off your cap.
Your LED was glowing.
Hank walked to his Bedroom "Connor you look after him... and don't do anything stupid.." "yes Lieutenant..." Connor nodded and sat down on a lil chair in the livingroom.
Hank went to bed and you sat there , in the livingroom , with A dog... & Connor.

"You know. You can go sleep?" Connor said. You flinched and nodded "yeah I know... stand-by thingy...".

You Actived your Stand-by which was like sleeping.
Everything got dark....
But it was comfortable as you fell back into the pillows...

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