Mother & Daughter

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You two arrived at the Department were Gavin walked to his table. "Ugh...not that thing" he stopped.
RK900 stood next to his table and waited.
You walked past him to the Lieutenant's Table.
"Lieutenant, RK700 is there" Connor said as you came along.
"Everything alright?" Hank asked "Yeah I am fine! Detective Reed did nothing particular..." "Thehe... I heard you have to stay here today with him" "mhhm... yeah but I wanted to ask someone if I can come with them since he's annoyed to see when he's at home".
Hank chuckled slightly "Reed! I am taking RK700 with me today!" "Do what you want as along as he's gone!!" He grumbled and lie his feet on his desk.
"Poor...RK900..." You sighed and followed Hank & Connor outside.

"Are you trying to come closer to Detective Reed?"

You flinched. That was Connors voice in your head. You nodded.
You got in Hank's car on the back seat and searched through your bag.
"Whats going on today?" "A while ago , an android kidnapped a child... and they have been spotted yesterday" Hank said.
"And you want me & Connor to find them?" "There's a chance they are already gone but I highly doubt that since..." he pointed up & you saw the Rainclouds.
"Then we should hurry.." You mumbled.

The car stopped near a store.
Hank got out and talked to the other officer.
You & Connor waited at the car.
"You look a bit too excited RK700" "I dunno... this sounds way more intense than the other stuff I did for now and by the way. You can call me (Y/N)" you smiled at Connor.

Connor nodded and looked at Hank who came along "We should search the Area" "but where... could they have gone..?" You looked around.
"Somehwere no one would expect them?" Your gaze fell on the Abandoned house across the street.
Hank nodded "You can check there (Y/N). We will check over there" Hank said and walked with Connor to a Motel.
You looked after them and walked across the street.
You recognized blue blood on the Fence as you scanned so you climbed over the Fence and carefully walked through the wild forgarden.
You took a peak through the window. There was an Android so you carefully walked to the door and walked inside.
You flinched as you saw the Android having it's back turned at you.
"Hello...?" You carefully said and made a step inside.
The Android turned around and you felt nervousness coming up.
His face was damanaged and his left eye was nearly black.
You scanned him "You are... an Deviant right? You're supossed to be a Gardening Android. WR600" "Ralph is not working for those people anymore. Ralph hates humans...." he said and twitched.
" see a child... and an android somewhere?" "No.." he mumbled.

You checked the room & kept an eye on Ralph if he got nervous or anything when you walked to a specific corner in the room but nothing.
You flinched as you heard a Thud upstairs. "What was that?" "N-nothing! Ralph probably didn't close the window & a bird must have knocked something over".
You looked at him and next to him to the table.
The table was made for 3 people & a dead animal was laying on it. Androids don't have to eat & also don't need heat. Your gaze rested on the fire.

You left the house and saw Connor & Hank at the fence. "Nothing ... only a deviant. Connor could you Report the missing Model WR600? His name is Ralph". Connor looked to hank who nodded.

You heard a loud noise coming from the other side.
The noise of someone climbing a fence came from there so you can with Connor towards the noise. An android & A child stood already on the other side of the Fence.
"Its them!" "Get them!" Hank shouted and you already saw Connor climbing over the Fence.
The two Girls started running into the city.

You followed Connor over the Fence and chased after the two..



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