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Draco and Bilbo crept along the long halls of the castle. Peaking around the corner, Bilbo spotted the Dungeons.

"Stay here. I will come back and get you later." He said to Draco.

Bilbo looked around before he sprinted towards the stairwell that lead to the dungeons.

When he disappeared, Draco jumped up onto the wooden ceiling above and waited.

Not long after Bilbo disappeared, an elf wearing a long royal blue robe walked beneath Draco's hissing place.

He walked towards the stairwell and stopped just before the entrance to the Dungeon. Looking around he checked to see that no one was watching and whispered in elvish to a small statue of an elk that rested on the wall beside the stairwell.

Draco tilted her head as she watched the elk move slowly and silently downwards revealing an old entrance that looked like it would break any second.

The elf smiled and made his way into the opening. Draco quickly made up her mind and she dashed into the opening as it closed. When she was in she realized that the room she was in was an old courtroom.

The room was covered in cobwebs and it was dimly lit. The room was held up by several pillars, two of which had collapsed. A small cell was situated in the wall in the far corner of the room.

The dark haired elf stopped before the cell and he began to speak.

"Hello Thranduil, have you changed your mind?"

The figure inside lifted his head, revealing long blond nearly white hair and two piercing Icy blue eyes. Thranduil glared at the elf.

He had several bad wounds running along his face. He was chained to a walls by his hands.

"Lómëanor you bastard. Where is my son?" He snarled

"The precious princeling is fine. He still searches for you but he can't seem to find you. He still believes that you were captures by orcs." Lómëanor said wickedly

"My son is smart. He knows that you had something to do with it." Thranduil whispered

"Some dwarves arrived here today. They are on their way to reclaim the Lonely Mountain. Ha!" Lómëanor laughed not hearing Thranduil, "they won't survive. Smaug is still alive and the only one who can kill a dragon is me!" He said arrogantly.

Thranduil lept up from his spot on the floor and moved as far forward as his chains would allow. Putting his face right in front of Lómëanor's he snarled.

"Do not talk to me of dragon fire. I know its wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the north." He hissed.

As Thranduil spoke, his face contorts. His face was covered with what appeared to be burns and scars from his past encounter with dragons. His left eye was milky and unseeing. He drew  away, and his face returned to normal.

Lómëanor jumped away and with a disgusted look on his face said:

"Now now, let's not get angry. You will be able to see you're beloved so again. You will see him again when you watch your world burn. The Necromancer is coming and he will destroy this world along with your son." Lómëanor said

"What makes you think The Necromancer will let you live? He will kill all and even if he has promised to make you a powerful person on his council he will still kill you." Thranduil said.

Lómëanor smirked and walked away. He stopped by the enterance and opened it. Before he left he turned.

"He promised. He won't brake his promise." He said as he left.

He walked towards Draco who dived behind a broken pillar just in time.

When Lómëanor disappeared from view Thranduil dropped his head and sighed.

His head snapped up when he heard a noise.

"I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows?"   Thranduil called

His eyes began to scan the room but they paused when they landed on a pair of glowing sapphire eyes.

"Come forth." Thranduil ordered and Draco hesitantly began to make her way towards him. She stopped about a foot away from his cell.

This gave Thranduil a chance to study her.

Thranduil's POV

"Come forth!" I ordered sternly

The glowing eyes disappeared as a small figure emerged from behind a fallen column.

My icy glare softened when I noticed that the figure was merely a child.

The child was very small. She must of been half the size of a hobbit. She had hip length pitch black hair that was streaked with golden stripes. She had striking, mismatched eyes that had a ring of sea green that circled around the edge of her eye. One was Ana emerald green, the other, a deep sapphire.

She wore a small brown tunic with brown leggings that came down to her ankles. The rest of her feet were covered by a  a pair of black leather boots.

Crawling along her collarbone was a glowing emerald green tatoo of a horse. A sea of swirls lined the horses sides and they looked like waves. The tatoo moved and it resembled a horse running along a beach as the waves crashed behind it.

"An Adramyttium elf!" I whispered as recognized the tatoo. It was the traditional tatoo that was only given to the royal family of the Adramyttium kingdom when the child was born.

"I thought my father distorted your kind." I said softly as I watched the little girl creep closer and stop at my cell door.

I watched as she took out a knife and she began to pick the lock.

"What are you doing? Run child, the guards will soon be coming and they will catch you." I said softly with an air of urgency.

The girl ignored me and continued with her task. The door swung open after five minutes and the girl moved to cut my chains.

I stood up and grabbed the child before I hid behind a pillar as two guards rounded the corner.

"Hey! Where did he go?"


Thorin was thrown into a cell beside the other dwarves, and his jailer walked away with a ring of jangling keys.

"Did he offer you a deal?" Balin asked

"He did although it wasn't King Thranduil it was another elf. I told him he could go 'Ish kakhfê ai'd dur rugnu!'

[I spit upon your grave!]

"To him and all his kin!" He growled

Hearing this, Balin closed his eyes and sighed wearily in frustration.

"Well...that's it, then. A deal was our only hope." Balin sighed

"Not our only hope." Thorin said as he shook his head.

Elves and Dwarves (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now