To be or not to be?

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Marshall spent the night with you last night, but this morning you awoke to an empty bed. You sat up and looked around the room before you yelled, "MARSHALL LEE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" He came floating, at full speed, to your room and yelled, "Do not fret (y/n) I'm coming!" You giggled and he jumped onto your bed. You smiled up at him, "Good morning Marsh," you say as he frowns at the fact that you didn't need rescuing. He picks you up bridal style and floats to the kitchen where he has prepared breakfast. You kiss his cheek and then he sets you down.

After you eat breakfast and Marshall sucks the red out of the fresh strawberries, you guys move to your couch. Marshall floats above it and you sit down beside him on the couch. He looks down at you and takes a breath before saying, "You know how I told you that I asked Fionna to be my girlfriend?" You nibble on your lip for a second before replying with, "Yes, but please don't rub in how Fionna is dating my little demon boy and not me."

You look into his red eyes and he blushes. He sits down on the couch next to you and grabs your hand, "(Y/n)... she said no. She is in love with Gumwad." Your face lights up and you smile at him and then kiss him deeply.

He pulls away and smirks and whispers against your cheek, "I love you," You blush and whisper back, "I love you too Marsh." He grins and his fangs are visible. He kisses your nose as you eat the now gray strawberries. He leans in to kiss you again and you put the last red strawberry up to his mouth and say, "Nope." He bites his lip and whines, "But (y/n)..." You giggle and shake your head. He pouts and grabs your chin and chuckles before sticking his tongue out at you. He grabs your hand and floats to the ceiling, pulling you with him. You smirk, "Marsh I have to change and then we can go do something!"

He nods and lets go of your hand and you fall, but land on the soft couch as he grins. You walk to your room and close the door before changing into a pair of black tights and denim shorts and a red sweater. Finally you slip on your red high tops and pull your rainbow hair back into a pony tail. You open the door and before you can walk out you are grabbed around the waist by the Vampire King and he flies out of your window.

An: I will try to update everyday or every other day until I go back to school. I go back August 25 and I'm going to high school and taking all AP classes and doing voice lessons after school so I don't know how often I will get to update. Though I will try to update all of my stories at least twice a month (excluding the one shot book, that will only be updated when I come up with new shots)
Thanks XOXO
- Jordyn

UPDATED: July 4, 2015

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