Experimental Arc 1.1

Start from the beginning

Just what was it that Abel went through to write such a cold and heart breaking story?! Wei wei stared at the words some more, until he too slowly disappeared in the air. He decided that he would do his best to make Abel happy.

It was ironic that Wei wei did not realize that this bittersweet story was made entirely for him.

Made entirely about him.

It was only later on in the future would Wei wei realize that the poem described the current situation.

And when Wei wei disappeared to follow Abel, left behind is a puddle of blood, red petals of roses dancing on the liquid until they all drowned.


When Abel opens his eyes, he sees a sky of clashing colors, he sees floating clouds of grey and flying birds singing to a song that only they could understand.

He blinked and pondered for a moment. 'When was the last time I saw an untainted sky of colors? '.

He searches his memories and finds that he can't recall his past life other then how to play instruments and what his name is... and that he really likes fans.

'How strange... ' He thought.

To think that not even a few minutes have passed since his transmigration, and already the memories of his past life are fuzzy.

Abel tucked away his thoughts, all kept in the corner of his mind. No one knew what was going through his mind.

He hummed quietly and stretched lazily, enjoying the soft sounds of his back popping back into place.

[Welcome to your first world Host!] Wei wei happily greeted.


[Would you like the plot to be transferred now? Someone is in that tree, they might notice something is wrong with you]


[...] My host needs to speak more! Wei wei cried inwardly.

'Give me the plot now Wei wei '

[Yes host!!!] Wei wei nodded and eagerly gave Abel the memories of the original body, wanting to please the man made ice block.

Abel briefly closed his eyes to endure the pain, but found that the pain was nothing like his sickness in his first life. In fact the pain was actually very easy to endure compared to the chemicals and prodding tubes entering into his skin.

The protagonist in this world was a Mafia boss, a gang leader of the second most dangerous gang in the world.

Surprisingly that gang leader and the protagonist is the [Female Lead], she was reborn from the **** century and used her knowledge to create a gang from the ground up.

The body she inhabited had a very common appearance, with wavy brown hair and cute chocolate eyes. But the aura she had was strange.

Her appearance was soft and delicate, but her aura was very dangerous and lethal. It was these contradicting things that piqued the interest of the [Male Lead].

The [Male Lead] was the boss of a famous business that manufactured in many products, he was also reincarnated, and he fell for the [Female Lead] because of her golden halo. He had a handsome appearance, with red colored phoenix eyes that reflected light and midnight colored hair.

He had the aura of a 'gangster', but it surprised many -including his family- when he started a successful business. It just proved that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

[Transmigration] of the Great MusicianWhere stories live. Discover now