😢 Too Deep

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Virgil was sat on his bathroom floor, his sweatpants disregarded. He held his pocket knife and pressed it to his thigh. He was was then startled by a brisk knocking at his bedroom door, startling him and causing his to cut much deeper than he intended.

He held back a scream as he tossed the knife. "Is everything okay in there Virgil?" He heard Patton call through the door.

"Y-Yeah! Just stubbed m-my toe!" He called back, lying through clenched teeth.

"Okay kiddo! Dinner's ready! We're having pizza!"

Virgil didn't reply as he stared at his wound as it spurted blood, much more than usual. He panicked as he reached for a first aid kit he kept under his sink. He opened it and grabbed bandages and hastily wrapped it tightly around his wounded thigh before he put the bandages back. He couldn't afford to go through the whole routine without worrying the others with how long he's taking.

He sighed as he stood shakily, making sure to keep pressure off his injured leg. He bent down to grab his black sweatpants off the floor and put them on while leaning on the wall for support. He took a deep breath as he started to slowly make his way out of his bathroom and bedroom, into the mindscape.

He bit his lip and clenched his fists as he tried to conceal his very obvious limp as he walked. He eventually made his way to the dinning table, sitting next to Logan who looked up from his book to glance at him with masked concern before returning to his novel.

Roman scoffed as he looked at Virgil. "Why did you invite Emo Nightmare to the table?"

Virgil wasn't suprised by the hostility, they had just had quite the fight earlier. He instead shakily took a paper plate and the smallest slice of pizza and started nibbling on it. Patton looked over at him, noticing how Virgil seemed more tense than usual, Logan seemed to notice too as he stared at the youngest through the corner of his eye.

Logan met Patton's eye with an amount of concern that suprised the emotional trait. Logan tapped Virgil on the shoulder and observed as he flinched back. "Are you alright, Virgil? You are shaky and appear to be in pain, are you injured?"

Virgil's eyes widened for a brief moment before shrugging and brushing it off as he stood abruptly, noticeably wincing in pain. "I'm fine!" He uttered. He then limped as fast as he could without screaming towards his room.

Logan took note of the metallic smell that followed behind him. He then eyed the bloodstained chair the dark trait was just sitting in. "Virgil's injured." He stated as he stood, chasing after Virgil. Patton followed close behind.

Roman scowled as he stood and begrudgingly followed the other two. Mumbling under his breath. "Attention seeker..."

Virgil was hyperventilating as he heard the shouts from the otherside of his bedroom door. He was currently in his closet in the fetal position. Tears streaked down his face, from the pain and the fear of them knowing how he treated himself. He didn't want them to worry about him, this was his issue and his alone. He didn't want to push that burden onto anyone.

Logan had finally picked the lock on Virgil's door as he darted inside. Patton followed suit as he looked around. Logan noticed that the closet door wasn't shut fully as he stepped towards it, gesturing for Patton to comfort the distressed trait.

Logan watched in curiosity as Patton calmed Virgil easily, holding him and running his finger's through his hair. Logan crouched next to Patton. "Virgil? May I check your wound?" He questioned softly. Virgil nodded hesitantly after a moment of thought as Patton helped him stand and move him into the bathroom.

Patton stopped in the doorway and gasped upon seeing the still fresh crimson coating the floor. He hesitated as he brought Virgil inside the bloody bathroom, setting on the side of the bathtub.

Roman was frozen as he watched the group from the doorway. He watched as Logan slid off Virgil's pants and eyed the deftly applied guaze around his thigh. 'This isn't the first time he's done this... Did I... Did I cause this?' Roman stumbled backwards at the realisation and quickly exited the room.

Logan carefully unwrapped the gauze and frowned at large cut that was still sluggishly bleeding. Patton winced at the sight and turned his head away. "I can't examine the cut properly with the excess blood," Logan mumbled, "Patton?" The mentioned side glanced at him, "can you hand me the antiseptic wipes?" He pointed to the still open First-Aid kid lying on the floor. Patton nodded and wordlessly handed them to Logan.

The logical side dabbed and wiped the blood around the wound the best he could with the small antiseptic wipe. Virgil provided not even a wince as he seemed to be zoned out. 'Dissociation.' Logan concluded. He reached out traced letters onto the back of Virgil's hand in hopes to ground him as the elder scrutinized the wound.

Logan's eyes widened at he was able to see the adipose tissue inside of the laceration, this was way too deep and needed stitches. 'This was self inflicted...?' He pondered as he squeezed Virgil's hand as comfort, for himself or Virgil he didn't know.

Patton on the other hand looked ready to puke, squeeze Virgil into a bone-crushing hug, and have a mental breakdown simultaneously, as a result leaving him frozen and nauseous.


A long and painless suture later, thanks to the anesthesia, Virgil sat on Patton's bed wrapped in a mound of fluffy blankets while Logan put in the Nightmare Before Christmas for them to watch. Patton had left to grab snacks for the group.

Roman sat to Virgil's right, as far as he could get from the other clad in his crown patterned silk pajamas. The creative side took a deep breath, "I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"Hm?" Virgil hummed in response, not quite hearing him.
"I apologise for how harshly I've treated you over the years." Roman started, causing the younger's eyes to widen. "You never deserved any of the things I said or did to you, they were harsh and unwarranted. You were just doing your job and trying to protect Thomas, just like us. I couldn't see that and treated you as if you were a monster. I drove you to..." Roman paused, tears welling in his eyes, "seek solace in pain. Which is someone no one should ever have to do. I made you feel like there was no other option. I know that an apology won't make up for the years of abuse I subjected you to." He finally turned to meet the youngest's bag-ridden eyes, "But I hope that I can make it up to you, and that you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

The room was silent except for Roman's sniveling. The title screen started to play on the T.V. as Virgil sighed. "Roman, you're a dick. But I do think you can somehow... Prove that you're a good person. I can't forgive you just yet, but I'd like to someday." He smiled softly at the thought of finally getting along with everyone.
Roman chuckled. "I'll take it." He replied as Logan took a seat to the left of Virgil.

Patton suddenly opened the door the three occupants, his arms full of snacks and drinks, blissfully unaware of the previous conversation and shouted gleefully, "I BROUGHT NOM NOMS!"

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