Guardian Angels

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(This was a RP between a fellow writer on here.)


"Patton, we can not spend it all on junk food. We must get some healthy snacks for Thomas." Logan ranted.

Patton pouted. "Its okay to get junk food once in a while Lo!"

"Thomas is mortal. What he eats affects his body-" Logan stopped mid sentence as he felt a powerful aura, one of a fellow Guardian Angel. He started looking around for the source.

"What's the matter?" Patton looked around as well.

The angel watched them from his perch in an old oak tree. He scoffed when he felt their weak auras.

"One of our kind is near by." Logan finally pin pointed the source. He walked cautiously towards the oak tree the aura resonated from. The closer he got the more the aura assaulted his senses. There was something not quite right about it. The angel sighed. 'Maybe if I stay still I won't be bothered?'

All it took was a tiny movement from one of the angel's wings and it sent a branch toppling down and hit Logan in the head. "Shit." He mumbled.

"Ow!" Logan yelped as he looked up into the tree, seeing a faint outline of a figure with wings. "Alright. I know you're there. Come down." He called.

The angel sighed in defeat and hid his wings. The bones cracked and popped, shedding feathers of various purple hues. The feathers fluttered to the ground and Logan picked one up and examined it. Tye angel climbed down the tree, no wings in sight, but there were tears in his clothing where his wings should be.

"Oh Logan!" Patton squealed. "Are you alright?!"

Logan rubbed his head a bit. "Yes." Logan scanned the angel with a critical eye.

"Sup." He greeted.

Logan started to walk around him, inspecting him. "Interesting."

Patton got up in the angel's face. "Who are tou and why are you hurting Logan?! I will fight you!" Patton raised his fists, clear that he had no experience in fighting at all.

"Chill." The angel rose his hands to show he meant no harm. "I'm known as Anxiety." Logan was behind Anxiety eyeing two bleeding wounds on his back, where his wings would be.

Patton backed up, stumbling a bit over the fallen tree branch. "Patton. And that's Logan."

"Are you not in pain?" Logan inquired.

Anxiety shook his head. "I have a high pain tolerance." Logan watched with fascination as the wounds, literally, stitched themselves together.

"What is it Lo?" Patton walked behind Anxiety to see what Logan was looking at.

"Could you stop staring at my back Einstein?" Anxiety groaned.

"What.. Are you?"

"Don't be mean. We are just curious." Patton scolded.

"Figure it out yourself." Anxiety turned around and smirked at Logan.

Logan started mumbling to himself. "Well, you can retract your wings like an angel, yet you don't have a halo. You wear dark clothing yet you accessorize yourself with golden crosses." Anxiety snickered as he listened to Logan's ramblings, revealing a mouth filled with sharp canines. "You're special I'll give you that." Logan eyed the teeth.

"Your jacket is soft." Patton was lighty touching Anxiety's shoulder.

Anxiety tensed, "Um... Thanks."

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