-Chapter Eight-

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I just want to point out that this chapter involves transgender content, as well as sexual content. I just wanted to warn you all because some people are squeamish (how even, idk) and some people don't like transgendered people apparently.

(Its 2014 get over it)

Oh yeah, but like, go read my Liam story I N B E T W E E N. Its pretty ace *insert harry styles peace sign bc I'm lame af*



-Chapter Eight-

I look stupid.

Out of all the t-shirts I could've worn to this stupid dance, Gemma chose this one. A black button up and a black vest with a teal bow tie. If I didn't give a crap about Gemma then I probably wouldn't have done any of this. But God, I love her and I'll do anything for her and she knows that. She takes advantage of the fact that I'm wrapped around her pinky.

''Victoria, you look great,'' said my mother. I smiled at her. We've been a lot closer now and I have Gemma to thank for that, of course. I have Gemma to thank for everything.

''Thanks mum. I need to go get Gems.''

''Okay. Well you two have fun.'' She said. I nodded and walked downstairs, her following in suit. I walked out the house and each step I realized just how nervous I really was. I wanted this night to be perfect. Even if its a stupid little dance, I want it to be a memorable night for both Gem and I.

''And mum,'' I said stopping right at the door.

''Yeah sweetie,'' she responded turning her gaze from the telly to me.

''I've decided to go back to school.''

''Really?'' She asked excitedly.

''Yeah.'' I smiled. ''Gemma helped me pick a great school and everything. I'll be able to do some community work for college credits and I can even get Merit Aid.''

''I'm so proud of you. We should celebrate tomorrow. Right at the creek. I'll invite the Styles and it'll be great.'' She said.

''That sounds great mum. I've got to go.''

She waved bye and I shut the door behind me. I hopped into my mums mini van and drove to the hotel that Gemma was at. Her brother and his band mates were there as well, seeing as they have a show here in Essex tomorrow. I parked in the underground lot and hurried up the steps to the lift seeing as I'm already five minutes late, and Gemma absolutely hates being late.

Finally, I had made it to her room that she shared with Harry and knocked on the door. It was opened by some brunette guy and I just walked right by him. Harry stood up.

''Hey Duke, wassup?''

''Are you trying to be cool, because you're not.'' I laughed.

''Fuck you, mate.'' He laughed. ''Gemma hurry up.''

''I'm coming, shut up!'' She yelled from down the hall. I laughed.

''Guys, gals,'' said Harry before laughing at himself because he's a dork, ''this is Gemma's girlfriend, Duke.''

''Hey.'' I waved to the people that cluttered the living room. They all introduced themselves and I said my name again.

''I didn't know Gemma was...uhh–"

''Gay?'' I said interrupting the guy with the beanie and his arm around a brunette girl. She nudged him in his side.

''Louis!'' She hissed.

Falling In Love With Gemma // g.s. {discontinued}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt