-Chapter Six-

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-Chapter Six-

I sat in my room at my mums house and I buried my self under the sheets. I felt sick; physically and mentally six without Gemma next to me, cuddling me, holding me. It's been one month, four days, two hours, and fifteen minutes since I saw her. And it's a shame my last glance at her was while she was in tears.

The Styles-Twist are coming over for dinner, because I have one of those mothers, and I'm just not ready to see Gemma. I want to see her, God, do I want to see her, but I'm just not ready. What do I say? What do I do? How do I act? How do I dress? I'm eating myself alive.

"Victoria, hurry up they'll be here any minute!" My mum yelled prior to pounding her fist on the door.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I walked into the loo attached to my room and store at my reflection. I look like absolute crap. My skin was so pale, dark bags under my eyes, extra boney (since I haven't eaten in Mary knows how long), and my hair was just disgusting.

I took a quick shower and when I got out I changed into some black skinny jeans and a black button down, which I decided not to tuck in. It was hot so I rolled the sleeves up and decided to tackle my hair. I just left it in its usual messy ponytail and called it a hit. I placed my watch on my wrist and my necklace around my neck, the one my father gave me before he left.

I walked downstairs and there other were. Even Gemma, all watching me. I pulled out my chair and sat down adjacent to Anne.

"I'm sorry she was so late." Mother said, gritting her teeth at me. I rolled my eyes. "Shall we proceed."

After 'blessing the food', everyone had dug in, complimenting my mums cooking. I just twirled my fork around in the pasta.

"Don't play with your food, Victoria." My mother snapped, all eyes directing towards me.

"Shut up, ma."

"Excuse me?" She asked in disbelief.

"You heard me.'' I said looking over to her. She sent me a glare and I just kept a straight face.

"Victoria, what would your father say?"

"I don't know, let's go ask him.'' I said in a cheerful tone before spatting, ''oh right, he's dead.''


''You fucking asked!'' I yelled. ''I'm so tired of your bullshit. Ever since he left, you've been different, ma, and you know it. I see the way you look at yourself. I know you better than you think!''

And with that, I left the table. I was completely and utterly pissed. She brought my father in to a conversation when she knows that's the worst thing to do. It's not fair that she uses my weaknesses against me and I've never said a thing to her about hers.

I walked out that back door, down that steps of the back patio, and off into the woods. This is usually where I go when my mum pisses me off, so nothing new. I sat down in front of the stream, watching as the moonlight hits it and makes it a beautiful blue. Almost the same colour blue as the socks Gemma was wearing when I first met her. Why do I know that? I don't know, cause I love her.


I didn't move though. I didn't want her to see me weak and in tears. Even though that's exactly how I've been without her.

Gemma came and sat beside me and she places her hand on my shoulder and it felt like she lit my body on. Just her hand on me was enough.

"Duke talk to me. Please." She said.

Falling In Love With Gemma // g.s. {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now