Chapter 21: The Plan and What Followed

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A Few Days Later

Erik's POV

It had been a few days since I have seen my family. Apparently, an old lady had whisked them away during the night, causing Javert to beat me within an inch of my life, stating that it was somehow my fault. So far, I can't move my left arm or breathe in too deeply without searing pain, so that means that either my arm and ribs are sprained, or the bastard actually managed to break my bones.  I couldn't fathom what was going on at the moment. All I could think was 'Who was that lady and where did she take them?!'   

 At first, I wanted to figure out how to escape. After all, with my family missing, Javert couldn't hold their lives against me. I would have been long gone by now, but due to the fact that I was severely injured, it inhibited many of my ideas on how to sneak out.

I sat in my rags, shaking with dread as I stared at my reflection in a puddle close to the cage. It took all the strength that I had left to not double over in agony at the sight. Right before my eyes, the man that I had tried so hard to be was ripped away from me as I seemed to stare at my younger self. 

The self that I had spent so long to try to forget. 

Long-suppressed memories of what happened to me as a child suddenly began to resurface. The unbearable days that lead to long, terrifying nights, the overall feeling of fear and hopelessness, all of it came rushing towards me as thoughts of escaping flashed through my mind. I wanted to break out of that prison as I had done once before, but I knew that wouldn't be as simple as last time. Back then, I was a child and had nothing to lose except for my life, but this time not only am I incapacitated and not as young as I used to be, but I also had a family to worry about. 

God, I silently thought, I need a way to escape. Please help me. And please, protect my family, wherever they are. As soon as I finished my silent prayer, I suddenly heard the sound of someone moving nearby my cage.

"Erik? Erik? Are you here?"

I turned towards the sound, my heart bursting when I saw them. My wife and children, all together and next to my cage! I limped closer to where they stood, my free hand slipping through the bars to hold onto Evangeline's hand. 

"Angel? Children? How did you all escape?"

"Well," Evangeline said, "Someone here wanted to apologize. And she means it this time."

My darling wife moved away from the cage for a moment, and came right back, leading the frail frame of my mother to where I was. She looked up at me, tears welling in her eyes as I stared back. 

"I'm...I'm...I'm so sorry! I know that I have been a terrible mother and I know that my betrayal hurt you. Please believe me when I say that I will regret this for the rest of my life. I know you will never trust me again, but let me prove to you that I mean it. Let me set everything right!" 

I looked at her, then back at my wife. 

"It's your call, honey." She simply said, looking up at me. 

I said nothing at first. Instead, I reached my hand out towards her, waiting for her to take it.  At first, my mother didn't seem to understand why I was reaching for her. It wasn't until she looked down at my hand that she hesitantly placed her wrinkled hand in mine.  I looked back up at her expression to see her crying. 

"As much as I love seeing this, we need to stop right now and think of a plan to get you out." Evangeline interrupted, looking around for stray guards. 

"Well, I don't think we can think of much with my arm and ribs injured from Javert's outburst," I stated, showing her my left arm. Evangeline studied it carefully as I painfully stuck it through the bars for her to see. 

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