Chapter 3: No Place Like Home

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Five Days Later

* 9:45 AM *

Erik's POV

I stood in the threshold of my lair, a feeling of dread rooting in the pit of my stomach. As of now, I held two suitcases, one filled with our clothes, and one filled with our children's clothes as my wife swiftly took care to instruct the staff on what to do during our absence. Thankfully, there was no production going on until next month due to it becoming the holiday season and my wife knew her lines by heart, so there was no need of an understudy as of yet.

She also had approached the school master about the fact our little ones would not be in school for a little bit due to a family situation. Well, you would have thought that she had asked him to empty out his bank account since he and my wife had to fuss for what she considered a "hot minute" until we finally got him to agree to this and next week. He was lucky that I wasn't there, or else the Opera Ghost would have made a quick appearance.

Meanwhile, Osmand and Octavia had packed a bag full of their toys and books to keep them occupied that now sat at my feet. Fortunately, they only packed two toys and a book each, otherwise they would have probably take it upon themselves to pack the contents of their entire toy box and bookshelf.

"Babe, the kids are in the carriage." Evangeline called as she stepped inside the lair to grab some of the smaller bags that were filled with food and supplies. Her hair was in a pin-up bun at the back of her head and she wore a small, black hat that matched with her cremé and black dress and her black parasol that was in the carriage with the children (A/N: outfit is above.) I had snapped out of my thoughts as I grabbed the bag of toys and gave one last, longing look at our home.

I hope we are doing the right thing. I thought to myself as I headed for the bustling world above.

As I stepped into the chilly, early morning light, I witnessed my wife placing the small bag of provisions into the carriage seat that she was sitting at and adjusting the huge blanket that she had draped over our napping children. Giving her a small smile, I helped her get on board, placed the suitcases and bag next to her, closed the door, and sat at the reins, a black horse fastened to the front.

With a final goodbye to the cast and crew, we were off on our way to my hometown, the ache of fear intensifying with each step the horse took.

*The Next Day, 10:45 AM*

I sat at the front of the carriage, my eyes starting to close slightly in fatigue as my family just began to awaken from their slumber. We had ridden for an entire day and night and had finally entered Rouen.

"Good morning, babe." Evangeline greeted as she somehow managed to climb over the seat to sit next to me. I sat in silence as she kissed my masked cheek, placing my hand in her's.

"Where are we?" She then asked, her eyes wandering around the quiet streets and homes in the city.

"Rouen. But Boscherville is still eight more hours away from the main city."

She hummed in responce while our children began to rub their eyes and look around.

"Morning, daddy." The two of them chorused, climbing over the chairs to give me a hug.

While my wife had climbed back into the passenger seat of the carriage to see to the children, my mind began to reel as I realize that I was soon getting closer and closer to the place of my childhood.

The place of my nightmares.

* 6:45 PM *

It was the abbey that I noticed first.

After all these years, it still looked the same, but I knew that it was different as well.

The abbey still appeared as grand and as intimidating as it did when I was just a young child. Not as grand as the Notre Dame Cathedral back in Paris, mind you, but intimidating all the same. I remembered constantly looking through the cracks of the boards that covered the small attic window that served as my only way to view the outside world. Every Sunday morning, I would watch my mother with envy as she left the house in order to attend Mass. It was my heart's desire to actually be able to go with her. To hear the Mass be spoken and to also see the grand organ that was played each and every day.

That was until I was four years old.

Before then, Father Massant, the old clergyman, was in charge of the abbey and would visit me from time to time to teach me all of the stories of the Bible as well as reading, writing, arithmetics, history, and even science. But since he was already an old man, he soon passed away from an unexplained sickness and a new minister was ordained. For some reason unbeknownst to me, they had picked a cruel, heartless man who cared little for the congregation, much less a young child with a deformity. In fact, he too declared that I was a demon sent from hell and had once beaten me to the point of bloodshed. To this day, I still do not know why he did that, nor did I know why my mother just sat and watched, but all he said was that a demon like me had no hope of salvation.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Evangeline's voice broke through the fog of my thoughts.

Her chocolate eyes shone with worry for me as I just began to notice that my hands were throbbing with a dull pain. I hadn't realized that I was clutching the reigns to the point that my nails were digging into my skin. But before I was able to respond, I was interrupted by Octavia.

"Look, daddy! It's a pretty house!"

I turned my gaze from my wife and saw it.

The place that had housed a catalyst who had caused a history's worth of death and pain for the first four years of it's life.

My childhood home.

My mother's house.

A/N: Hello my fellow Phantom Phans!😎

How're y'all doing?

Thank you guys so much for the 847 views, the 105 votes, and all of your comments. You guys are awesome!✨

So, it seems that our favorite Phantom is about to face his mother after all these years.

What do you think will happen?

What will he say?


Remember to send me your entries before Monday (Christmas) if you want a chance to win the contest.

Rules and Regulations:

1. This contest is open to everyone.

2. You can post any type of artwork you like (such as silhouettes, character headshots, scenes from the story, character ships, etc), so long as it is NOT inappropriate. So, no highly sensitive content or anything that might seem pornographic.

3. All entries should be sent to me via Twitter (, via Facebook( or via Wattpad PM's all under the hashtag #TPARFanArt

4. You are allowed to post the minimum of one to the maximum of 5 pieces of artwork to either Wattpad, Facebook or Twitter, but not to all three.

5. All entries should be in by December 25th in which there will be a poll to determine who will be part of the Top Three Best Artists.

6. I will announce the Top Three on the 30th and the overall Winner will be announced on the 1st of January.


8. The Top Three will be given a special shoutout, have their artwork posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Wattpad, and the overall Winner will have one of their artworks displayed as this book's cover art.

9. Violation to any of the set rules above(i.e: sending inappropriate artwork, posting more than five entries, suspected plagiarism) shall result in IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION.

Vote, Comment, and Share and I'll see y'all next time!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎄🎁🎉🎇

A Phantom and His FamilyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora