You are a demon

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"What the hell is she doing here!?"

None other than dragon-breath was yelling and pointing a finger at me while looking at Senshi accusingly. 

"Sup dragon-breath?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Calm down Saya. How do you know her?" Baki asked.

"I have a name you know" I said beginning to zone out of the conversation and instead watching a hawk circle above. I didn't even know there were hawks in the desert, then again I don't live in the desert so how would I know what lives here? You know it could be a buzzard, I couldn't really see it that well since it was flying in front of the sun. What's up with birds and flying in front of the sun? It's like the stupid things don't want anyone to see them. If you're flying in the sky then someone is going to see you, that's just a fact. There's no cover in the sky except clouds. I stopped my wandering thoughts when the hawk started coming closer. Well it looked like it was anyway. I couldn't tell because of the stupid sun.

"You know it's not healthy to stare at the sun." Temari, for the first time, talked to me. I didn't understand her very much, in fact I didn't understand that entire squad at all. The only one I really could understand was Yuki, and I didn't really know her too well. The others were just so confusing.

"You talk to me for the first time and that's what you decide to tell me?" I said breaking my gaze from the hawk to her. "I have a reason to be staring up there you know."

"Oh yeah what's your reason?" she asked in a sort of snooty manner that made me want to wack her.

"Why don't you look and figure it out yourself?" I said turning my eyes back on the hawk that was definitely coming closer.

She turned to look and instantly turned to her sensei. "Baki-sensei! It's Reiko's messenger hawk!"

"Hm?" Baki looked up then held out his arm as a dusty white hawk descended to land. As it landed and folded it's wings, Baki untied a little scroll strapped to it's leg. He began reading it as Temari started talking to me again.

"You've got a good eye. How'd you see Soara from that far away?" she asked.

"Dunno" I shrugged, figuring 'Soara' was the hawk.

"Alright, Rokku and her squad are on their way. A few of us will stay here and wait for them and the others will get moving again" Baki said immediately after I answered Temari and she opened her mouth to ask something else.

"I'll stay back and wait with Yurei and Yuki. Saya can scout ahead for you" Senshi immediately said. I heard Yurei mutter something about hitting on Rokku-sensei to Yuki, which earned a giggle from her and a glare from Senshi that she shrugged off like it was nothing.

"Well that's settled. Let's get going then" Baki said, starting off in the direction I had pointed out.

Saya shot off ahead of him like a rocket. Seriously, I would not be lying if I said she was faster than Kemono-sensei. She put him to shame, and that was an understatement. I'd hate to see how fast she could move in a fight. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end that was for sure.

Temari and Kankuro hurried after them and Gaara went back up onto his floating sand cloud. Most likely so no one would piss him off. I stood there for a moment just staring after them then raced after them when I noticed even Gaara had started moving after them. 

"Hey wait up!" I called out, trying my best not to fall in the sand. It was seriously a lot harder to run on sand than it was on solid ground, and those sand ninjas made it look so easy.

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