Pranking with a demon

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"Are you sure about this?" I asked worriedly looking down.

"Of course it's perfectly safe!" Naruto answered loudly.

"Uh did I mention I have a fear of heights?"

"No, but don't worry it's not that far down!"

"Looks far to me..."

"Not the ground, the rooftops. When they get here that's our escape route!"

"Wha-? Escape route?" I really hadn't thought Naruto would want to do such a big prank. But then again if this went well enough I would be in the Hokage's office before I knew it.

"Yeah and you'd better be good at running. Here." He held out a bucket of blue paint with a paint brush inside and I accepted it nervously. He took his own and jumped down the side of the Hokage monument with a rope attached to his waist. The other end was tied to some random rocks that stuck out of the ground. Mine was the same just tied to different rocks near the other end of the monument. I ran to my side and nervously look over the edge. I realized it wasn't that bad. There were rooftops surprisingly close. 

"Well here goes nothing," I muttered and jumped over the edge. 

Soon after, I had two faces painted. The Third's and the Fourth's. Naruto had the First and Second's. I climbed up the rope and untied myself after setting the paint down. I giggled to myself. This wasn't so bad. Pranking was way more fun when there's two. It was funny some of the things we came up with. 

Suddenly all I heard was Naruto's laughs ringing through the village. I looked over the edge and saw two ninja chasing him and yelling while he laughed and taunted them. Apparently the kid was always doing things like this, so he was good at hiding himself and outsmarting the ninja who chased him.

"Wonder why they didn't come after me?" I laughed.

"Because they knew they could leave you to me." I turned around frowning, then smiled widely when I realized who it was.

"Heh, hey Kemono-sensei, how are things?" I said casually.

"Mumei...You realize I have to punish you right?"

"No thanks."

"You don't have a choice."

"You keep believing that. Later." I jumped off the side of the monument and onto a rooftop, only turning to shoot a peace sign at him with my hand and winking. I shot off as soon as my feet hit something solid.

I decided I would find the academy since Naruto had probably been caught like I would be soon. I knew my sensei well enough by now that I knew he would catch up to me. He was just lazier about it than most people. I jumped around aimlessly from rooftop to rooftop. Truth was I had no idea where the academy was. So I was shocked when I actually found the building almost immediately. I did take a few moments, but still it was more than I'd hoped for.

Soon after I arrived the academy students were let out. I stood randomly there and a couple of students came over and wanted to talk, but I ignored them and continued to stare at the door. When the blonde finally came out, everyone else had gone home already, and he was being led by some guy with his brown hair in a spiky ponytail. He had a scar across his face and a headband on his forehead. He looked really ticked off. I think I'll just come back later...

I turned around quickly and started to walk away before either could see me.

I cursed under my breath when Naruto called out to me. "Hey Mumei!"

I spun back around and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head as I walked over. "Hi Naruto. Who's your little friend?" It annoyed the guy who was obviously Naruto's sensei here to be called his 'little friend'. 

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