Chapter 01

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This story is also on under the same title and pen name.

I own nothing except for my OC

"Lilly! It's time to wake up!" Jenna called from the hallway as she knocked on her niece's door.

The teenager groaned. It was the first day of school after summer break and she so did not want to get used to the early morning routine again. She was a night person and had easily gotten accustomed to staying up late and sleeping in.

Yawning quite loudly and stretching in this directing and that like a cat, Lilly reluctantly got up and sluggishly made her way to the bathroom.

She shared the bathroom with her twin brother Jeremy, but being a typical boy he hardly took any time. A shower and a spritz of deodorant was all he seemed to need in the morning to be fresh and ready.

Lilly took her time. She'd taken a shower last night, so she just had to clean her teeth and brush her long golden blond locks so they would fall in soft curls instead of the birds-nest nature seemed to command them into.

Getting dressed wasn't a huge issue for Lilly. She didn't much care for fashion. Her outfits contained mostly of blue jeans, sneakers and shirts. The shirts only varied between short-sleeved and long-sleeved depending on the season with the occasional pullover thrown in the mix.

Being a member of one of Mystic Falls' founding families she was considered a part of the 'higher society' of this small town and did own a collection of elegant dresses and preppy shoes, but those were strictly reserved for the frequent semi-official events where this kind of wardrobe was mandatory.

If she felt really fancy on a hot summer day she would wear a sun-dress but that was the extend of her fashion sense. She usually couldn't be bothered to care and today was no exception to the rule.

Lilly was also not a morning person at all. She was grumpy and taciturn until the caffeine from her first cup of coffee had a chance to circulate through her body. While Elena and even Jeremy liked to get up at the crack of dawn to get ready, write in their journal (in Elena's case) or do some last minute homework-damage-control (in Jeremy's case), Lilly liked to stay in bed and dream the time away until the last minute. The family naturally knew this quirk of hers and left her alone as long as possible. Being as low-maintenance as she was certainly was an advantage and allowed her a few precious extra minutes in bed.

So even so she got ready for the day fairly quickly Jeremy as per usual had beaten her to the kitchen. He could be miserable or as high as a kite, yet he always made it downstairs before his twin sister.

He was standing to the side casually leaning against the counter and was watching a hectic Jenna rush around the kitchen with the occasional roll of his eyes, while Elena looked on in fond amusement.

Lilly walked over to Jeremy and threw her arms around his waist leaning her head against his shoulder. "Morning" she mumbled drowsily to nobody in particular.

"Morning sleepy-head, awake yet?" her twin chuckled as he ran a hand through her curls, his other hand snaking around her shoulders to pull her closer.

She closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. "Mhmm."

Jeremy kept running his hand through her hair. He knew she needed a little extra affection this morning what with learning to get up early again and everyone waiting to question her about her well-being. He wished he could shelter her from the nosy people, but it was inevitable. After not seeing her as often due to recess, people would be especially nosy now.

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