Imagine: Harry wants to wear a weird outfit to your wedding

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Imagine: Harry want to wear what he wore to Johanna's wedding to your wedding and you get in a fight

Harry and I have been engaged for 6 months and with wedding was approaching sooner than I could think, it was stressful. The venue was picked, colors chosen, flowers arranged, guests decided, bridesmaids and groomsmen selected... But Harry and I still didn't have outfits. We both had been so focused on everyone else, we had forgotten about us!

But, today Gemma, Y/BFF, Anne, my mom and I were all going to look at dresses. We went to a local boutique that had quite a selection, from ball gown, to form fitting, from white to... Pink? Why anyone would want a pink dress is beyond me. We looked around for a while before picking 5 to try on.

The first was a big ball gown style. It was tight until a little above my waist and then flared out into a mass of fabric. Not my style. After wearing it for 5 minutes, I felt like I was gonna pass out from being so hot! The girls all agreed this wasn't the one.

The next one was an ivory lace dress that was a little simpler which is good! It was almost the same style, tight until above the waist, but it didn't flare out nearly as much. It flowed to the ground. The best part about it was the long train! It was beautiful and didn't get too hot! It was a contender! The girls all agreed too!

Then, I slipped into a sexier dress. It was tight down to the top of my thighs. It showed off my curves and I could still walk, no waddling!

"Harry would love that one!" Gemma said wiggling her eyebrows. I chuckled, it was true, he would but I'd be a little afraid to wear this I front of everyone. I'm a little more conservative. But, it was still an option.

Next was a dress that was different from the rest. It had a fairly plain top, but when it flared out at the bottom, it was a party! It was quirky which I liked! All the girls agreed, this was DEFINITELY a contender! (Felt like you might need a visual for this one! )

Last, was a dress that had straps to keep the dress up and then the back dipped waaay down my back. I liked the back, but I don't really want straps. The girls agreed. So it was out.

We narrowed it down to two. The simple lace one and the one with the fun bottom. We debated the two for what felt like an hour. Gemma finally suggested we ask Harry.

"I don't want him to see the dresses though!" I say. I would prefer it was a surprise.

"Just tell him one has lace and is simple and the other had a fun bottom or something." She suggested. Hm, that would work I guess.

"Good idea. I'll call him." I reply. I get my phone and call his number. He picks up after a few rings.

"Hey babe! How wedding dress shopping? I think we've narrowed it down to two suits." He says. They were going tux shopping today too.

"Good, and same. But I can't decide between the two. I was wondering if you could help me?" I ask.


"Ok, the first one is lace and it's pretty simple, but fits really well. The other one it more fun I guess. It has a simple top, but the bottom is really fun and different!" I say, trying not to give away too much.

"The second one. I like fun." He says

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now can you help me?" He asks


"Ok, the first one is like the one I wore to louis' moms wedding. You know? The deep cut in the middle and the bandana thing around my neck. The other one is-"

"Wait. Are you serious? You're considering wearing THAT to our wedding?" I say, mortified.

"Um..... Yes?" He says.

"No. You are not wearing that Harry. You are getting married. MARRIED. Isn't this a little more serious to you? I understand if you are guest, but if you are the freaking groom that's not right! Use your brain in your head!" I say. The girls are all looking at me like in mental, which makes sense. I totally just blew up and they have no idea why.

"I think it could be cool. Since your dress is fun, why not my tux be fun? C'mon, Y/N. Just think about it." He says. He did make a good point. It could be different and memorable. I'd rather our wedding be a little different than a normal cookie cutter wedding.

I sigh before replying, "that's true... Whatever. Pick whatever you want. But, if you pick that one, could we make it a little more formal? Like, can we meet in the middle? You get the tux and you tone it down a little?" I ask, trying to come up with a solution.

"Good idea. Ya, I'll get it, but make it less sexy, we wouldn't want you horny at your wedding now would we?" He says teasing me. I laugh.

"Whatever you say Mr. Styles." I say.

"Haha, ok. I love you Mrs. styles. See you later?" He says. I love it when he calls me that!

"Love you too, bye." I say and turn to the girls again who are thoroughly confused. I laugh at their facial expressions and explain. Anne and my mom don't like the idea of harry not wearing a tux, but Gemma thinks it's a cool idea.

We buy the fun dress and get measurements to make the dress fit perfectly and walk back outside, talking about all the other things that need to happen that day!

A/N: I liked the idea of this one! I wasn't sure how I was gonna write it at first, but I think it's good! Thanks to the girl who suggested it! That's all for today, I'm super busy all day, that's why this is up super early! Ugh, I had to wake up at 5:30. Kill me how. Ok, I think that's all... Have a great day!

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