1. The MCU

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Naomi stood impatiently, pinching the bridge of her nose with two fingers as she huffed. Generally speaking, she was quite a polite person, but it really wasn't her day today. She was standing inside of a Starbucks, squished in line with about a dozen other people who looked just as tired as she was. Though she doubted that they could be, seeing as they probably didn't make the mistake of screwing with a cult this morning.

She supposed it wasn't her fault exactly though, it wasn't as if the people held up neon signs proclaiming, 'We are a cult! We're crazy!' They just stood in an alleyway drawing on the walls. Naomi thought they were graffiti artists or something, who could blame her? Either way, some shit went down and she ended up passing out, but only for a couple seconds. The freaky cult didn't even steal anything from her, so she kinda figured she was fine. Maybe they implanted her with something, but at the moment she didn't really care. She hadn't had any coffee today yet- and that was by far the scariest part of today.

Finally she arrived at the front of the line, her brown bob-cut swishing over her shoulders as she ordered a straight black coffee with two shots of expresso. Naomi wasn't screwing around today. Walking around the counter to wait, her sunglasses prevented her from dealing with awkward eye contact or overall human interaction. It wasn't as though she despised talking with people, it just required energy that she definitely did not have at the moment.

So to entertain herself she pulled out her phone, as any rational person would do. To some of the people around her, it might have seemed as if she were someone important, checking for emails from an assistant or a party invitation from Rihanna. But in reality, she was only an assistant herself, so her 'I'm too important for you' vibes were actually 'I put up with so much shit from my boss that I don't have any leftover shits for you' vibes. Very easy to mix up. Either way, her tired college student outfit clearly spoke that she wasn't in any contact from Rihanna.

Worn converse, leggings and a white T-shirt that proclaimed, 'Tom Hiddleston is my boyfriend' was all Naomi had the energy for today, and generally every other day she didn't have work to dress up for. Of course, she only wished Tom Hiddleston was her boyfriend, or really any of the Marvel men. How could one ever really choose? Naomi certainly didn't know how. The marvel cast and movies were some of the only things that she cared about- that and her friends and family and stuff. Also her daily coffee, which was now prepared, as the barista called out her name, snapping her attention away from stan twitter. Stepping up to grab her drink, the barista looked at her shirt, and frowned.

"Who's Tom Hiddleston?" She asked, moving to grab the next order as she looked at Naomi. Shocked, Naomi's mouth fell open as she lowered her sunglasses. For a second, she thought she might drop her coffee.

"The most polite triple threat actor in the Marvel cinematic universe." She answered, sliding her sunglasses back up and sipping her coffee. How unbelievable that a millennial in today's day and age would be so uneducated. However, the barista only seemed more confused by her reply.

"The what cinematic universe?" She asked, sounding genuine. This only served to surprise Naomi even more. It was one thing to not know the cast of Marvel, but to not even know of Marvel was actually a little concerning. She was caught off guard, clearing her throat and taking another sip of her coffee, really tasting the espresso.

"You know, like Iron man and Captain America and all of them." Naomi explained, also catching the attention of several other people in the Starbucks. The barista's eyes widened, and her demeanor instantly changed.

"Well I know Iron man, but Captain America is a criminal now," her tone was hushed, and she leaned over the counter to avoid the rest of the customers. "It's best not to mention the Avengers. It's a touchy subject around here." Having given her warning, the barista leaned away and went back to filling the next order, leaving Naomi thoroughly confused.

She left the Starbucks biting her lip, mulling over the strange advice with her coffee in hand. Perhaps the barista was simply pulling her leg, but Naomi wasn't so sure. She genuinely seemed as though she was worried about speaking about the avengers. Also, the fact that she knew the avengers but didn't know Marvel was wildly bizarre. It was enough to distract Naomi to the point where she ran into someone.

Thankfully her coffee lid did it's job, and no serious damage was done, but there was certainly damage to Naomi's heart when she realized who she ran into.

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