Drarry -First Kiss & Drabble #33

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33. What's One thing you never wanted me to find out about?

   "Luna I'm not sure about this," Harry expressed his worries about what his quirky blond friend had planned.  " I mean they're Slytherins, they wouldn't want me, a Gryffindor there playing a game of truth or mischief," Harry said, nervously wringing his hands as the two stood outside the Slytherin common room waiting. As they were waiting, a thought suddenly came to Harry, "Why did they invite you anyway? I didn't think you were very...chummy with any of the Slytherins?"  

      Luna looked up into Harrys eyes with a slightly faraway look, "oh it's really simple, a few months ago I was wondering the castle, my shoes had disappeared again you see when I came across Pansy who was looking for something too. We then decided to help each other and we got to talking and became friends, shes really nice actually. yesterday she invited me to join her and her friends and she said I could also bring one of mine and I invited you since you were so nice to invite me to slughorns party at Christmas."

    Before Harry or Luna could say any more the entrance to the Slytherin common room opened to reveal none other than Draco Malfoy. Harry's eyes involuntarily travelled up and down Malfoy's slim frame Harry could help but admire the way Malfoys thin shirt and fitted trousers clung to his body, in all the right places he may add, leaving little to the imagination. "oh Lovegood I see you're here and you've brought... Potter!" Malfoy exclaimed as he saw Harry standing behind Luna.

    Harry lifted his hand in an awkward greeting as he blushed due to his earlier thoughts. Malfoy groaned and let them in, walking in front of them. Harry couldn't help but think that Malfoys outfit looked even better from behind as he stared discreetly (or so he thought) at Malfoys arse that was very defined from his tight pants. Harry looked around and realised nothing had changed in the room since his and Ron's brief visit in second year polyjuiced as Crabbe and Goyal. Speaking of Crabbe and Goyal both of them were missing, in fact, the whole common room was empty of every one besides, Harry, Luna, Malfoy, Zabini, Greengrass, and Parkinson who had just entered from were Harry assumed was the dorms.

  "oh Luna I'm so glad you could make it," Parkinson said giving Luna a quick hug as she sat in between her and Harry on the couch, "and I see you've brought Potter," she said with less enthusiasm than before.

  "Of course I did, he's very nice and a very good friend," Luna replied she then turned and pulled something Harry couldn't quite see out of her small purse. " I brought some firewhiskey," Luna placed an orangey red coloured bottle onto the table. the bottle was quite large.

  Across from them, Zabini whistled impressed, "how did you manage to sneak that into Hogwarts?" He asked.
     Luna looked Zabini in the eyes, "oh daddy sent it to me with our owl." Everyone in the room stared at her, everyone except Parkinson who already knew and Harry who was not so stubbly staring at Malfoy, precisely at Malfoys lips that looked redder and much more kissable than usual.

     "Your father actually sends you booze?" Malfoy said impressed, "mine would never do that, it took me three years and a talk with my mother to convince him to let me have a single glass at one of our balls. Even then it was only half a glass of wine."

     "Interesting, daddy has let me drink since I was 13, it helps see  wrackspurts when you don't have spectrespes." Luna replied as she conjured seven shot glasses and handed one to each person before filling them all. "May we start playing now before it gets too late?" Luna asked changing the subject.

    Everyone looked at each other and shrugged, "sure, everyone knows how to play, right?" Parkinson asked staring directly at Harry. Harry blushed and shook his head negatively, he had never played truth or mischief and has never heard of it being played with alcohol. Pansy rolled her eyes,  "to keep it short, you go clockwise in a circle and each person gets to ask someone truth or mischief. If they choose truth the player asking asks them a question they have to answer truthfully if they choose mischief they have to do a Dare. There is also the option of drinking if you don't want to do the Dare or answer the truth," Parkinson explained before turning towards Greengrass.  "Daphne truth or mischief?"

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