Ten: Lena on Drugs

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Lena opened her eyes in a strange room with a strange ache in her arm. Kara was in a chair by her bed and her arm was wrapped tightly. Lena pushed herself into a sitting position, using only one arm. Kara shot up from her seat like a bullet, and she was at Lena's side in less than a second. Lena seemed scared by her sudden action, but let her head drop on Kara's shoulder.

"You're super fast." She mumbled. Kara giggled as she pulled Lena closer.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Kara murmured, kissing Lena's temple gently. The brunette sighed against Kara's shoulder, closing her eyes as Kara ran her fingers through jet black hair.

"Kara?" Lena sat up slowly, her eyes locking with Kara's.

"Yeah?" Kara asked. Lena just shrugged as she placed a hand on Kara's cheek, inching closer to her lips.

"I don't know." She whispered, her breath hot against Kara's lips. Suddenly, Alex burst into the room. She was talking to someone on the comms, her finger pressing on the earpiece.

"No, that's not how this works. I'm getting her, but you do know we have a whole team of specially trained operatives for this exact reason, don't you?" Alex asked, obviously pissed. "Actually, she's busy." Alex backtracked, spinning on her heels as Lena dropped her head and cuddled into Kara's chest instead of kissing the superhero, which made Kara blush furiously when she felt Lena's arms wrap around her torso tightly.

"Lee, I have to see if she needs me." Kara murmured. Lena groaned, holding Kara tighter. "Actually, they probably don't need me." Kara sighed.

"Sleep with me?" Lena asked.

"What?" Kara blushed an even deeper shade of red.

"Cuddle with me until I fall asleep. Sex is after the third date, Kar." Lena giggled.

"Right, yeah. That's what you meant. What else could you mean by that? Obviously. Yeah." Kara rambled on, obviously flustered.

"Kara, just cuddle with me." Lena whined. Kara climbed into the little hospital bed and allowed Lena to rest her head on the 'S' that rested on her chest. Lena was still on lots of pain medication, plus anesthesia from the surgery. Kara sighed as she heard Lena's breathing become slower and more rhythmic. Kara fell asleep like that, listening to the sound of Lena's heartbeat.

- - - - - - - - - -

Lena woke up in Kara's arms, their legs tangled together and their faces inches apart. She closed her eyes immediately. If she looked at Kara that closely, she wouldn't be able to resist those lips. Slowly, she opened her eyes again to meet Kara's sea blue ones. It was just a second before Lena caught herself leaning in, and pulled herself back.

"G'morning." Lena mumbled pulling up the blanket that Alex had draped over them. Kara just giggled and pulled Lena closer by her waist.

"You're pretty cute on drugs." Kara murmured, her eyes closed.

"On drugs?" Lena asked, biting her lip. She didn't remember being high recently.

"Anesthesia and all the pain meds. Alex didn't put you on bad drugs." Kara giggled. God, that laugh. Lena swore that it would be the death of her.

"Mhm," Lena hummed, tilting her head up a bit. This time, Kara leaned in. It was just a soft kiss on the forehead, but it meant so much more. Kara's lips lingered on Lena's skin gently as she traced some random pattern on Lena's arm.

"What time is it?" Lena asked. Kara shrugged and closed her eyes again.

"Lunchtime, but you're tired. I can tell." Kara's voice lowered to a whisper.

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