Nine: Visits

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After a week of guilty torture for both Kara and Lena, one of them had decided to fix their mistakes. She knocked on the door of an apartment, remembering the number from their coffee date. When Kara answered the door in pajamas, eyes swollen and red, Lena knew she had made a mistake. Some part of her melted as she pulled the blonde into her arms. Kara buried her face in Lena's hair, taking in the familiar smell of Lena's coconut shampoo mixed in with her natural smell of vanilla. Kara took one breath and she felt better, pulling away and allowing Lena into the room.

"Are you okay? Did I do that?" Lena asked. Kara shook her head, biting her lip to push back her tears. "No to which question?" Lena asked, eyebrows knit together with worry.

"Both." Kara whispered, allowing a tear to fall down her cheek. Lena pulled her into another embrace and didn't let go. She could feel the wetness from Kara's tears seeping through her shirt, but she didn't care.

"It'll be okay. I've got you." Lena whispered to the shattered blonde in her arms. Kara pulled away with a shaky breath, looking into Lena's emerald eyes. "My parents died when I was really little. I thought it was both of them, but my mom...she's alive. I found her. I have a mom, and I had to leave her all over again." Kara's words were shaky and broken, but Lena understood. She always understood Kara.

"Hey. You'll see her again." Lena murmured. Kara shook her head.

"She's on another...continent. I lost her for so long, Lena. I can't leave her." Kara sobbed, leaving out the fact that it had actually been thirty-eight years since she had given her mother a hug on the launch bay of Krypton. Thirty-eight years believing her mother was dead. Suddenly, Kara felt a pair of lips press to her own, and she couldn't bring herself to pull away, lost in the feeling of Lena's lips on hers.

"I'm sorry. I should've listened to what you needed, I just...I needed that." Lena murmured. She headed towards the door, but Kara completely forgot to think and sped in front of Lena, who stared, mouth hanging open as she studied Kara.

"How'd you do that?." Lena asked.

"I didn't do anything." Kara lied.

"Don't lie to me!" Lena crossed her arms, giving Kara the same look that Eliza used to use whenever Kara was careless with her powers and something (or someone's arm) ended up broken.

"I can't tell you." Kara mumbled.

"That's how it works, Kara! You want friends, you talk to them." Lena folded her arms over her chest.

"I don't want another friend, though." Kara whispered, leaning in and pressing her lips to Lena's.

"Hell no, Kara! Tell me!" Lena pushed Kara away. Slowly, Kara unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the red, yellow, and blue symbol on her chest.

"I couldn't tell you right away, and then you were mad at me, and I couldn't talk to you, and it just never happened." Kara rambled on, but Lena cut her off.

"You're Supergirl. You've saved my life more times than I can count and you've saved the world three times. You think I'm mad?" Lena asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I lied to you for a really long time." Kara replied, dazed.

"Kara, you can't just meet someone and tell them your secret identity right away." Lena let out a breathy laugh as she moved forward, enveloping her hero into a hug.

"What'd I do to deserve you?" Kara whispered. Lena giggled against her neck, making Kara squirm.

"You're ticklish?" Lena asked, pulling away and ticking Kara's side.

"No, no, that's a bad idea!" Kara squealed through her laughter. Lena just laughed until Kara attempted to swat her hand away, unintentionally hitting a bit too hard. Lena let out a little yelp as she pulled her arm back and hugged it to her chest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Come here, we're going to see Alex." Kara sighed, removing her shirt and tearing off her jeans carelessly, throwing the fabric to the side. She took her cape from its drawer and clipped it onto her shoulders, then sped to pull on the boots. She threw her glasses and hair tie to the side and returned to the living room.

"You're flying me?" Lena asked, gritting her teeth as she cradled her injured arm.

"Flying is faster. The faster I get you to Alex, the faster you get pain medication and a sedative." Kara replied, lifting Lena into her arms. Lena buried her nose in Kara's neck, holding back tears from the pain. Kara shot through the sky like a bullet, towards the DEO.

When Kara finally arrived in the med bay, Alex was at her microscope as usual.

"Hey, sis. How's it going. You know that favor you owe me? Yeah, I need that now." Kara laughed awkwardly. Alex shot her a look that obviously meant that Kara was being ridiculous.

"What'd you do now?" Alex asked, glancing at Lena.

"I tickled her." Lena answered. Kara looked at the ground guiltily.

"In my defense, I didn't have my Kryptonite emitters on. I break things easily." Kara raised both of her hands in mock surrender.

"Never tickle a Super. Bad idea. She's the reason I can't play soccer anymore." Alex told Lena.

"You didn't play soccer." Kara crossed her arms.

"And now I never will, thanks to you. Come on, we'll get you x-rayed." Alex led Lena to one of the beds.

"Can I get some pain medication?" Lena asked.

"That, too." Alex began setting up an IV, Kara handing her the things she needed. She had watched Alex fix people so many times, she could probably give an IV and identify countless injuries without using her powers. Alex took a quick x-ray before glaring at her sister.

"You're lucky we have more technology here than at a normal hospital. Simple surgery, no cast, little to no recovery time." Alex sighed. She shot Kara a look that she inherited from her mother, no doubt, because she looked scarily similar to Eliza in that moment.

"Put me under, please." Lena muttered. Kara looked so guilty, it was adorable. "See you after surgery, love."

"Breathe in the happy gas." Alex sighed, placing the mask over Lena's mouth. With that, the world went black.

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