"Well you're the least annoying of the Salvatores."


"What!? That was nice for me." Y/N huffed out a laugh as she worked on bandaging his neck.

"You didn't tell me what happened tonight."

"They were trying to put me back in a prison world." He spoke through gritted teeth. "So I did what was nessacary. I stopped them."

"What does that mean?"

"I moved them out of my way and may have given Bonnie a magical concussion and siphoned Damon."

She glared at him for what felt like the fifth time that night. "I'm done even trying to find redeemable qualities in you." she muttered.

"I don't need redeeming. I like who I am."

She stood up shaking her head. "Done. You can go now." Her back was now turned towards him as she begun cleaning up the mess he'd made.

He stood up and fought a mental battle with himself. "Ugh, feelings are hard." He muttered before stepping towards her. "T-Thank y-you." He struggled to force out.

She turned to face him instantly with shock evident on her face.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" he began to touch his face in uneasiness until she grabbed ahold of his hands and lowered them to stop him.

"No. I'm just wondering what you've done with Kai Parker." she eyed him suspiciously.

"I'm not a complete ass." He rolled his eyes.

"Ha. Yeah, sure. Next joke." she laughed.

"Well I try not to be with you." He whispered causing her to finally stop laughing and look up at him. Kai was unsure of himself around Y/N. He knew he was physically attracted to her but he felt something more too. Something he couldn't explain.

"You have a funny way of showing it." she rolled her eyes.

"So do you." He smirked. She was caught off guard, especially when he started to lean his head close to hers. She got lost in the moment and her attraction for him, following suit.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

The two pulled away mere seconds before anything happened. The loud banging on the door interrupting them.

"Ugh, what now!?" Y/N groaned as she headed to the door and swung it open in annoyance. She was greeted by none other than the man the pair were discussing earlier.

"Well if it isn't the cock-blocker." Kai muttered unauidibly as he watched from a hidden distance.

"What do you want, brother? I was just about to go to bed." she lied as he pushed his way inside.
"What is it with people barging in today?" she mumbled.

"I've just come to warn y- is that blood I smell?" Damon frowned deeply as he looked around for any traces.

"Yeah. I just had a bag before you got here." her eyes quickly scanned for Kai and she sighed quietly in relief of not spotting him.


"Why does it matter?" her arms folded across her chest. "Just get on with what you came here to say. I'm tired." she let out a fake, but believable, yawn.

"There was a slight altercation with the Parker's family sociopath earlier. I just came to warn you about it and make sure you're safe and ok."

"I am. I don't get why you'd warn me though, you know I hate him. Plus I'm a vampire. I can handle myself."

"Well I know what he feels towards you so Im not taking any chances." his face was pulled in disgust.

"What do you mean?"

"He may be Satan himself but even he flirts in his own twisted way. Anyway, I've got to get back. Elena and Stefan need my help to plan our next move." He gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder before walking out the door.

That was interesting Y/N thought. She shook her head clear of her previous thoughts before wandering the apartment in search of Kai. All the rooms were ultimately empty so she switched off the TV, which she'd forgotten she'd been watching in the first place, and headed to bed. She presumed he must have gone home or wherever he goes at that time. Probably to annoy some more people. Her eyes closed as soon as she hit the pillow and in a matter of seconds she had fallen asleep.

Kai undid his cloaking spell and sighed, taking one last glance at her before leaving into the night.

(A/N) : Hi! I've regained some inspiration to write recently and I've enjoyed writing this chapter. I've made it long as it's been a while since I uploaded the last one. Thank you for your patience and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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